“Against all odds,” Gatineau’s tramway reaches major milestone

“Against all odds,” Gatineau’s tramway reaches major milestone
“Against all odds,” Gatineau’s tramway reaches major milestone

After several years of procrastination and behind-the-scenes negotiations, the two governments confirmed that they were injecting $98.1 million and $65.4 million respectively (the bill is shared 60% and 40%) to cover the cost of all subsequent studies for the Quebec portion of the route, or 22 of the planned 24 kilometres.

The preliminary design, environmental impact assessment and planning activities related to the engineering of the preparatory works for this 100% electric tramway are among the studies that will be able to begin thanks to these sums of money as early as spring 2025. These should be spread over approximately three years. The allocated budget will also make it possible to carry out the procurement phase in anticipation of the awarding of contracts for the construction and supply of rolling stock (vehicles).

Funding announcement for the Tramway project in Western Gatineau. Maude Marquis-Bissonnette (Simon Séguin-Bertrand/Le Droit)

“Did we tell you that this was excellent news (laughs)? It is clear that a public transport system is required in a modern city, it is absolutely essential and it is a very, very important step forward that we are making today. It meets the mobility needs in the west, but it is also an absolutely essential tool to meet the challenge of fighting climate change, immediately launched the newly elected mayor of Gatineau, Maude Marquis- Bissonnette, who recalled that several partners have been working ardently on this project for a long time. For me, it is a source of great pride to welcome an investment that matches Gatineau’s potential.”

Seen as the way to meet the needs of the population of Gatineau’s western sector – whose population growth is exponential – for the next 30 to 50 years, the planned tramway will run every 3 to 6 minutes during peak hours or every 5 to 10 minutes off-peak and on weekends. It is estimated that at least 30,000 users could use it once it is in service, scheduled for 2036 at the earliest.



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