“We, religious people, believers and specialists in religions, call on our fellow citizens, voters, not to forget the values ​​of humanism”

“We, religious people, believers and specialists in religions, call on our fellow citizens, voters, not to forget the values ​​of humanism”
“We, religious people, believers and specialists in religions, call on our fellow citizens, voters, not to forget the values ​​of humanism”

Published on June 27, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.Updated June 27, 2024 at 8:03 a.m.

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Men of faith or experts from the four major religions, nearly 80 signatories launched an appeal in “Le Nouvel Obs” to vote against intolerance and hatred.

This article is a column, written by an author outside the newspaper and whose point of view does not commit the editorial staff.

“Our country is going through a tormented period and we understand that a certain number of French people feel disoriented, angry, and are therefore tempted to give their votes to candidates claiming that they will solve their problems by finding goats. emissaries: women, Jews, Muslims, poor, foreigners…

But we, men and women who think about religion, who practice it, who write about it, call on our fellow voters to think twice before entrusting their votes to these candidates. History teaches us in fact that the choice of resentment and intolerance does not resolve any political or economic problem, that it rather leads to disasters from which everyone will have to suffer.

We do not forget that the deep values ​​of our civilization are listening, attention to others, especially the most vulnerable, openness to the world… And that all these values ​​risk being swept away if too many voices are given to hate mongers. »


Olivier Abel (philosopher)

Jean-Christophe Attias (director of studies at EPHE/Université PSL, specialist in medieval Judaism)

Kahina Bahloul (Islamologist and author)

Jean Baubérot-Vincent (historian and sociologist of secularism)

Esther Benbassa (director of studies emeritus at EPHE/PSL university, specialist in modern Judaism)

Ghaleb Bencheikh (Islamologist, president of the Foundation of Islam in France)

Rachid Benzine (political scientist-writer)

Thierry Bizot (TV producer)

Sylvie Bukhari-de-Pontual (president of CCFD-Terre Solidaire)

Patrick Cabanel (historian of Protestantism)

Jacqueline Chabbi (historian and honorary university professor)

Floriane Chinsky (female rabbi, doctor of law)

Catherine Clement (philosopher and novelist)

Michel Cool (journalist and writer)

Karine Cornily et Denis Mazoyer (co-presidents of Catholic Workers’ Action)

Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (sociologist, professor emeritus at Paris Cité University)

Didier Decoin (writer)

Christian Delahaye (theologian)

Florence Delay (writer, member of the French Academy)

Christian Delorme (priest of the diocese of Lyon)

Eloi Descamps, Benoît Halgand and Paula de Wailly (Fight & Contemplation collective)

Pierre-Olivier Dolino (pastor and general delegate of the Protestant Federation of France)

Mgr Joseph Doré (Archbishop Emeritus of Strasbourg)

Bertrand du Marais (president of the Pink Fish)

Roselyne Dupont-roc (theologian and biblical scholar)

Francois Euvé (Jesuit, editor-in-chief of the journal Etudes)

Georges Fauché (pasteur)

Gael Giraud (economist, theologian and priest)

Samuel Grzybowski (founder of Coexistence)

Antoine Guggenheim (parish priest)

Benoît Guillou (editor-in-chief of the “Project Review”)

Alexis Jenni (writer)

Bariza Khiari (former senator, vice president of the Senate)

Bruno Karsenti (philosopher)

Hakim el Karoui (essayist)

Gilbert Landais (co-president of Christians United for the Earth)

Isabelle Le Bourgeois (nun helper and psychoanalyst)

Anne Lécu (Dominican nun)

Jean-Yves Leloup (Writer, philosopher and theologian)

Frédéric Lenoir (sociologist and writer)

Abd Al Malik (artiste)

Henry Masson (president of Cimade)

Office of the Conference of Religious Men and Women of France (COREF) composed of Véronique Margron, Anne Chapell, Michel Laloux, Yannick Houssay

Christina Moreira (female priest, Europe representative of ARCWP)

Jean Mouttapa (director of the Spiritualities department at Albin Michel)

Marion Muller-Colard (essayist and editor)

Antoine Nouis (Protestant theologian)

Christine Pedotti (editor-in-chief of “Témoignage chrétien”)

Jerome Prieur (filmmaker and writer)

Patrick Raymond (president of the national federation Catholic Action for Children)

Matthieu Ricard (Buddhist monk and essayist)

Camille Riquier (philosopher)

Jean-François Rod (permanent deacon, former manager of the La Procure bookstore)

Eric Rommeluère (Buddhist)

Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus (philosopher)

Jean-Louis Schlegel (Sociologist of religions, editor, translator)

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (writer)

Emmanuelle Seyboldt (pastor, president of the national council of the United Protestant Church of France)

Didier Sicard (doctor)

Marc de Smedt (editor)

Vincent Soulage (historian of Christianity)

Anne Soupa (Catholic theologian)

Mgr Marc Stenger (bishop emeritus of Troyes)

Christine Taieb et Béchir Saket (President and Vice-President of the Jewish-Muslim Friendship of France)

Ysé Tardan-Masquelier (doctor in history of religions)

Christian Terras (journalist, founder of “Golias”)

Odon Vallet (historian of religions, president of the Vallet Foundation)

Patrice Van Eersel (journalist and writer)

Eric Vinson (philosopher of religions and secularism)

Patrick would live (philosopher)

Alfonso Zardi (general delegate of Pax Christi France)

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