You didn’t vote today: what are you risking? – Everything you need to know for the 2024 elections

You didn’t vote today: what are you risking? – Everything you need to know for the 2024 elections
You didn’t vote today: what are you risking? – Everything you need to know for the 2024 elections

Is voting really compulsory? Are there any sanctions planned if you decide not to go to your polling station? We explain the potential fines and sanctions planned.

Don’t know who to vote for? Choose the candidate based on his attitude

Is it compulsory to vote in the 2024 elections in Belgium?

According to article 62 of the Belgian Constitution, “voting is compulsory and secret”. In Belgium, each citizen aged at least 18 years old and registered in a Belgian municipality is therefore automatically registered in the list of voters for the various elections. Every citizen has the right to vote but also the obligation to vote in Belgium. In addition, this Sunday June 9, 2024, voters aged 16 were able (and had to) vote in the European elections, even if the authorities will be more lenient in the event of no-show.

2024 elections in Belgium: what is an invalid vote?

What happens if we don’t vote? Is there a fine or sanction?

If the citizen takes the risk of not voting and therefore not going to the polling station to fill out their ballot, several sanctions are provided for by law, although they are not systematically applied.

A justice of the peace will judge the reasons why the citizen did not vote. If they are unfounded, the latter will be sent to the police court, which will have to make a non-appealable decision.

If this is the first time that the citizen does not vote, he or she risks a reprimand or a fine of 40 to 80 euros. But, in the event of a repeat offense, the fine for non-voting can rise up to 200 euros.

If the citizen accumulates 4 unjustified absences (without a valid reason for absence/excuse) in less than 15 years, he or she will be removed from the list of voters for ten years.

Take our electoral test to find the party that suits you best!

I have been voted: should I keep my invitation?

Your summons was returned to you when you left the voting booth by the assessors, with a stamp proving that you went to vote, and it is in your best interest to keep it when you leave the polling station. The Federal Public Service reminds us that it is important to keep your invitation letter until three months after the election.



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