The land calls the town of Mercier!

The land calls the town of Mercier!
The land calls the town of Mercier!

The land calls the town of Mercier!

June 27, 2024

Members of the Union of Employees of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Mercier, CUPE Local 3153, are stunned by the latest salary offer from the town’s representatives. The 55 blue- and white-collar workers in the city of Mercier have been without an employment contract since December 31, 2023. On June 19, they unanimously adopted a pressure tactics mandate that could go as far as a strike. .

“A salary offer without retroactivity is a joke to workers. A zero-cost negotiation in a context of inflation like the one we are experiencing at the moment would amount to making us poorer. It’s not complicated, the requests we make are almost all systematically refused by the city’s negotiating team,” Christopher Curadeau, president of CUPE local 3153.

The latest offer of a 13% increase over 6 years from the city of Mercier is considered clearly insufficient by the members of the union negotiating committee. Let us recall, for comparison, that following a decision by municipal authorities, workers in the city of Delson saw their salaries increased from 3% to 5%, for the year 2023.

The hard line adopted by the representatives of the city of Mercier is part of a dynamic that is similar to that which has taken place in the conflict that the city of Mercier is currently experiencing with its firefighters.

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