These exotic plants are proliferating in our country and are causing problems: here is what to do (and what not to do) to avoid the invasion

These exotic plants are proliferating in our country and are causing problems: here is what to do (and what not to do) to avoid the invasion
These exotic plants are proliferating in our country and are causing problems: here is what to do (and what not to do) to avoid the invasion

“Stop invasive alien species” warns the Public Service of Wallonia with a new awareness campaign. These are plants introduced in Belgium that eliminate our plants and threaten biodiversity. So what can we do? How can we avoid this invasion?

Along the Nationale 4, some people regularly come here to get rid of their green waste. It is illegal and several species that did not exist before are proliferating. “This is typically the case here with the snowberry which is a small shrub that comes from Asia“, shows us Etienne Branquart, expert in invasive exotic species at SPW.”These little bushes, they multiply vegetatively, they take cuttings and all that. And gradually, they invade all the undergrowth and they prevent the growth of other plant species.“, he warns.

The plants concerned are the Japanese snowberry, but also the Virginia creeper from the United States, used to decorate the facades of houses.It takes all the light. What is typical of this Virginia creeper is that it grows really quickly. We have climbers here like ivy, but ivy doesn’t grow very, very quickly.“, specifies Etienne Branquart.

These ornamental plants do not pose any problem in your garden, but they colonize the environment if they are thrown anywhere.

Lupin is on the list of exotic plants of the Public Service of Wallonia. It can be found in garden centres, just like the buddleia, the butterfly tree.Buddleja davidii has long been known to be an invasive plant. But all the horticultural cultivars I present here are sterile.“, assures Guillaume Deuken, manager of a garden center.

To prevent these exotic plants from invading nature, you must find out about their ownership and throw your green waste in the recycling center.

Invasive plants environment nature



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