SEDHIOU: Promotion of scientific disciplines in all levels of education: the national academy launches 45 laureates to praise!

SEDHIOU: Promotion of scientific disciplines in all levels of education: the national academy launches 45 laureates to praise!
SEDHIOU: Promotion of scientific disciplines in all levels of education: the national academy launches 45 laureates to praise!

In the wake of its partnership with the Sédhiou academy inspection, the National Academy of Science and Technology of Senegal (ANST/S) proceeded, the day before yesterday, Saturday, June 29, to award prizes to forty-five winners from all levels of education in the Sédhiou region. The competition focused on drawing and poetry as if to praise science. The various stakeholders expressed their satisfaction with the strong propensity of the ANST/S to support the young Sédhiou region to join the circle of emerging communities in science and technology in Senegal.

Literature in the service of promoting science, this is the whole meaning of this regional drawing and poetry competition initiated by the National Academy of Science and Technology of Senegal in the wake of its partnership with the academy inspection of Sédhiou. Forty-five winners from the elementary and middle/secondary cycles received their prizes in the presence of an audience of actors from the education system. Pr Guélaye Sall, president of the commission responsible for relations with partners of the National Academy of Science and Technology explains the purpose of this activity: “the purpose is to improve the positioning of science in the concert of the development of our country. We must include scientific culture from a very young age, sowing the good seed of understanding science constitutes an element of practical implementation of this partnership” he says.

The school inspector of Sédhiou sees it as a springboard to boost the development of science at the grassroots level; “if CE2 pupils already manage to express their understanding of science through drawing, it is because they already have the inclination to study in these disciplines. And if also pupils in the 4th gradee “If people manage to write poems, it is because they have the talents and the inclinations for a good knowledge of science,” observed Papa Gorgui N’diaye, the AI ​​of Sédhiou.

“By the winds of the universe of verse immersed in the charm of my verses, I use simple words that sting my verb, hypnotize the public because I am a lyricist of silence”. This slam declamation made by Miss Ramatoulaye Bodian, a student in the second year of high school and president of the school government of the Marsassoum high school, gives a clear vision of her reading of science “Science is a fundamental foundation of social progress. And we must explore them to bring to our world the rudiments necessary for the improvement of our living conditions”, notes the young schoolgirl who is clearly very wise.

Professor Wagué, nuclear expert, enlightens public opinion

Previously, Professor Ahmadou Wagué of the National Academy, an eminent scientist, member of the International Nuclear Agency and expert in physics, had led a conference on renewable energies and urged training and technology transfer for adaptation and resilience to climate change under the passionate gaze of Professor Balla Moussa Daffé, member of this academy. The first prize consists of a gold medal, a certificate and an envelope of 50,000F, the second, a silver medal, a certificate and 40,000F and the third a bronze medal, a certificate and an envelope of 30,000F CFA.

Finally, it should be noted that Professor Wagué presented each of the education and training inspectorates of Bounkiling and Goudomp with a telescope, thus completing the first batch intended for the commune of Sédhiou. In the same vein of satisfaction, the ANST/S presented a gift to the School Life Inspector, Mrs. Aïssatou Sy, for service to education, along with all the staff of the Sédhiou academy under the leadership of Papa Gorgui N’diaye, the first teacher in the Sédhiou region.

Moussa DRAMA



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