The Maine Polyclinic in Laval hopes to resume normal activity at the beginning of next week

The Maine Polyclinic in Laval hopes to resume normal activity at the beginning of next week
The Maine Polyclinic in Laval hopes to resume normal activity at the beginning of next week

The storm which hit Mayenne and in particular the town of Laval on Tuesday June 18 caused some leaks on the roof of the Polyclinique du Maine. Water infiltration affected the corridors leading to the operating theaters. The management of the establishment preferred to take all necessary precautions by postponing the planned operations. Thanks to the good understanding with the Laval hospital center, the polyclinic was able to recover two blocks from the hospital. And thus ensure the most urgent operations explains Jean-Luc Brosson, the director of the Polyclinique du Maine: “we chose, with local stakeholders, to put in place a system that would allow us to continue to pursue surgical activity on the Laval hospital site with the teams from the Maine polyclinic. Our establishment provides permanent care in the urology and vascular department, so the objective was to be able to continue this activity. Part of it was directed to the Angers University Hospital and the majority was provided by the Polyclinique du Maine on the Laval hospital site.“With all the logistics for the transfer of equipment, then patients between the two sites. Between 200 and 300 patients were affected by these postponements of operations. The operations which should resume Monday July 1 at the Polyclinic.

Two years of work

This start of summer also corresponds to the start of a long project which will extend over two years. The Polyclinique du Maine wishes to continue to develop, announces Jean-Luc Brosson: “we are going to do renovation work. We are going to redo all the waterproofing. In this context of climatic hazards, it is essential. And then, the goal is to strengthen the offer in terms of chemotherapy which is managed on the Polyclinic site in collaboration with the hospital. it is planned to install a PET scan (this is high-precision medical imaging) and then two additional operating theater rooms. So both renovation and development.“The investment planned for this work amounts to more than 11 million euros.



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