Another resignation from the municipal council of the Magdalen Islands

Another resignation from the municipal council of the Magdalen Islands
Another resignation from the municipal council of the Magdalen Islands

Municipal councillor for the district of Cap-aux-Meules and L’Île-d’Entrée, Richard Leblanc, has resigned after more than 10 years as an elected official. He is the third councillor to leave the council table in less than three months.

Richard Leblanc says the controversy surrounding the implementation of the Archipel Pass, the $30 tourist fee, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

He explains his departure in particular by the atmosphere and climate for several weeks during city council meetings.

The public sessions in May and June were particularly stormy. Some citizens opposed to the creation of the Passe Archipel and a regional park to protect public lands strongly criticized the elected officials of the Magdalen Islands and called for their resignation en masse on more than one occasion.

The demonstrations that regularly occur at council meetings have become a bit chaotic. Now, it’s really more enjoyable.

A quote from Richard Leblanc, resigning advisor

Since last year, we have had ups and downs, we have had waves, but this one is still insistent.he adds. We know that the majority of the population supports us in our decisions, it is certain that there is always room for constructive questions to take us elsewhere, but this is no longer the case.

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The May municipal session was disrupted by heckling, demands for resignations and a question period lasting more than two hours. More than 200 people attended. (File photo)

Photo: Courtesy

Among his greatest achievements since his election in 2013, Richard Leblanc cites the launch of the Cap-aux-Meules eco-district and the construction of the L’Étang-du-Nord multi-sports centre.

My greatest pride is the eco-districtlance M. Leblanc. This is a project that will grow and will be a very beautiful project for the entire community; it is one of the projects that I am most proud of.

The mayor of the Magdalen Islands regrets this new departure, but says he understands it in the current context.

It’s quite difficult for the elected officials, there have been a few sessions that are a bit stormy.says Antonin Valiquette. Instead of really having questions, we get criticism, comments, even calls to resign. It’s not necessarily a friendly context like the advisors have been used to having in recent years.

Mr. Valiquette wanted to highlight the work accomplished since 2013 by Richard Leblanc. years on the council with keen intelligence, great involvement and who has always thought in terms of the good of the community of the Magdalen Islands”,”text”:”He is someone I greatly respect, he is someone who has worked for 11 years on the council with keen intelligence, great involvement and who has always thought in terms of the good of the community of the Magdalen Islands”}}”>He is someone I hold in great esteem, someone who worked for 11 years on the council with keen intelligence, great involvement and who always thought in terms of the good of the Magdalen Islands community.he maintains.

A third resignation since April

Richard Leblanc’s resignation follows that of Grande-Entrée councillor Gaétan Richard in May. The latter had also justified his departure by saying: unhealthy climate during public sessions. Gaétan Richard had been elected since 2013.

In April, L’Île-du-Havre-Aubert councillor Linda Lebel also resigned less than six months after being elected unopposed in a November 2023 by-election. Lebel, who had denounced the increase in the commercial tax and deplored the management of municipal finances before her election, justified her departure in particular by a some distrust of other elected officials towards him.

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With three councilors remaining and a mayor, the council still has a quorum to vote on decisions, but a single absence would be enough for the city council to be unable to pass a resolution. (File photo)

Photo : Radio-Canada / Isabelle Larose

The date of the by-elections for these two positions was already set for September 8. The municipal administration would like to be able to hold the election for the third councillor seat left vacant by the departure of Richard Leblanc as part of the same election, but cannot confirm this scenario at this time.

It is certain that we will do everything to ensure that there is only one by-election for all the vacant seats, but at the moment, we are in the administrative verification phase.says Mayor Antonin Valiquette.



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