2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. Two ex-ministers facing the RN in the 7th constituency

2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. Two ex-ministers facing the RN in the 7th constituency
2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. Two ex-ministers facing the RN in the 7th constituency


Joseph CANU

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 8:56 a.m.

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In the 7e constituency of the Yvelineswhich brings together the former cantons of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine and Mureaux (northern part only), as well as the municipalities of Triel-sur-Seine, Verneuil-sur-Seine et Vernouilletcandidates for legislative elections jostle at the gate. They are sept to have launched into battle.

Among them, two former ministers d’Emmanuel Macron : Aurélien Rousseauinvested by the New Popular Front (on the quota of Socialist Party-Public Square of Raphaël GlucksmannEditor’s note) and the MP (Renaissance) outgoing Nadia Haiin office since 2022, on a mission to block the regional advisor Babette de Rozièrescandidate of thealliance Lr/Rn. Colette Aubree (Reconquest!), Jack Lefebvre (Workers’ Party), Julien Frejabue (Lr, municipal councilor of Verneuil-sur-Seine) and Ali Kaya (Workers’ Struggle), automobile worker, are also in the race towardsNational Assembly.

Battle of the big names

A fervent disciple of the presidential majority, Nadia Hai was appointed Minister Delegate in charge of the city to the Minister of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities in July 2020, until the end of Jean Castex’s government in May 2022. She was also elected deputy (Lrem) in the 11th.e Yvelines constituency in 2017, before winning in 2022 in the 7e constituency facing Michele Christophoul (Nupes), Laurent Brosse (Lr) and Emmanuelle Fortin (Rn).

Aurélien Rousseau, for his part, succeeded François Braun as minister of Health and Prevention in July 2023, before submitting his resignation five months later to demonstrate his opposition to the bill relating to immigration adopted by the Senate, then the National Assembly, judging the text too right-wing. Former Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister Elisabeth Bornehe also piloted health policy during the Covid-19 pandemic, as general manager of the’Île-de-France regional health agency (Ars Idf). Supporter of pension reform, he is now part of the left-wing political coalition whose program provides for… the abolition of pension reform. A paradox which did not escape the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti who tackled Aurélien Rousseau on this subject on the social network X.

Facing them, the party of Marine Le Pen supported by the head of the Republicans, Eric Ciottiwent to find a big name: the regional advisor, restorer et Television presenter Babette de Rozières. Special delegate to Valérie Pécresse in charge of the City of Gastronomy, the 77-year-old Guadeloupean elected official has thus begun her 3e campaign for legislative elections. Lr candidate in 2017 in Paris, she was eliminated in the first round, obtaining 6.53% of the votes. She then obtained 2.91% of the votes in 2022 in the 9e constituency of Yvelines, claiming its support for Emmanuel Macron, but without having received the investiture of the presidential majority.

The battle will therefore be tough in the north-east of Yvelines.

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