#StolenMemory exhibition in Toulouse: objects stolen by the Nazis on display until July 9

#StolenMemory exhibition in Toulouse: objects stolen by the Nazis on display until July 9
#StolenMemory exhibition in Toulouse: objects stolen by the Nazis on display until July 9

the essential
A traveling exhibition installed on the ramblas of Allée Jean-Jaurès in Toulouse until July 9, reveals personal objects stolen by the Nazis. The inauguration takes place this June 27 at 6 p.m.

#StolenMemory, a traveling exhibition installed on the ramblas of Allée Jean-Jaurès in Toulouse until July 9, reveals personal objects stolen by the Nazis. The inauguration takes place this June 27 in the company of Marie-Christine Jené, daughter of the resistance fighter Braulia Cánovas Mulero.

The Nazis confiscated the personal property of their victims during their arrest: jewelry, photos, papers. Thousands of these objects have been preserved and the Arolsen Archives are working tirelessly to find the families of the victims and return these items to them. #StolenMemory is both an educational project, a traveling and online exhibition, as well as a call for volunteers to raise awareness among the public, particularly young people, about Nazi persecution.

120 families found

The exhibition, which combats all forms of discrimination, lists the objects of concentration camp inmates from the Second World War and finds documents on their detention. She also encourages volunteers to participate in the search for families. Since the start of the campaign, more than 900 families have been found around the world, including more than 120 in France. However, many French files remain to be clarified.

The exhibition is open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Meet this June 27 at 6 p.m. in the center of the ramblas to discover a preview of this dive into the past.



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