In Saint-Denis, the CGTR mobilized before the prefecture against “fascism”

In Saint-Denis, the CGTR mobilized before the prefecture against “fascism”
In Saint-Denis, the CGTR mobilized before the prefecture against “fascism”

Fighting action. Faced with the danger of the accession to power of the extreme right after the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, professional unions, feminist associations, political organizations of the New Popular Front, civil servants, artists, athletes and many other citizens are mobilize. In Reunion, it is in Saint-Denis, in front of the prefecture that the meeting takes place this Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 10 a.m. (Photo: cn/

Three days before the first round of the legislative elections, organized on Sunday June 30, 2024, the CGTR calls on voters to gather in front of the Saint-Denis Prefecture to prevent the far right from coming to power.

The previous Saturday, parades against the far right at the call of the unions had brought together between 250,000 people in France, including around a hundred in Reunion, gathered despite pouring rain.

Read also – Faced with the far right, unions and citizens mobilized in Saint-Denis despite the rain

– “This is a serious time” for the CGTR –

“The situation is serious! The fascists are at the gates of power in France”, indicates the CGTR at the initiative of this mobilization in Reunion.

“When the extreme right comes to power, it refuses to hand over power. Either because it fights the results of the elections by trying to organize putsches like in the United States and Brazil, or because it changes the rules of the game to be sure not to lose the elections, like what Melloni is trying to impose in Italy with a constitutional reform which calls into question the independence of the judiciary and the prerogatives of the unions.”

“We must therefore do everything to prevent this catastrophic scenario,” the union says. The CGTR calls on all voters to become aware of “the mortal danger that the RN represents.”

“The far right is at the service of capital. It has no intention of keeping its social promises, which are also contrary to its ultra-liberal ideology.”

Read also – Legislative: the RN promises a little, a lot and ultimately not at all

– The UFR against the RN –

Alongside the CGTR, the Union of Reunion Women (UFR) also reiterates its position and relays the feminist alert carried by feminist associations on June 23 in Paris.

“Our intention is to recall that the National Rally is against women, against the right to abortion, against equal pay, against LGBTQIA+ rights.”

“We have of course heard the secretary general of the RN in Reunion speaking about our 20th anniversary. We are worried about our culture, for our Reunionese identity: our ancestors are not Gallic. Our history must be taught, our language defended and spoken. The RN wants to saw our roots,” adds the Union of Reunion Women.

In a press release, the Union of Secular Families of Reunion Island also calls for resistance to the far right. “A National Rally government would implement unprecedented policies of regression in all areas: social, societal, economic, cultural and democratic” notes Ufal.

In its press release signed by Daniel Cadet for the structure’s Board of Directors, the association then calls on “citizens to do everything possible to oppose this imminent danger with their vote. Faced with the extreme right, the republican reflex the broadest is required – without exclusion”.

“Today, and contrary to what the government maintains, only one “extremism” threatens: the right-wing extremism of the RN and its allies” believes the Union of Secular Families.

– Writers, authors, athletes and media mobilized –

In an online petition, writers, comic book authors and publishers call on voters “to raise their voice with determination” and to “stand in the way” of the national rally.

“We, actors and actresses of the world of books, are driven by values ​​of sharing, transmission, mediation (…). We defend nuance in the face of excess, that which unites rather than divides, that which opens the future rather than obscures it”, we read in this petition.

“We want to be able to continue to offer works in complete freedom, from all backgrounds, conveying a great diversity of thoughts and speeches,” they write.

Sign the petition here

Read also – Petition: the world of books, including the Goncourt winner, calls for a vote against the far right

On Sunday June 16 on the L’Équipe website, many French sports personalities called for voting against the far right.

“Today, we are behind, on the verge of losing the match. But we still have a few days of extra time to react,” these sportspeople wrote in this column. “Let’s vote against the far right, which has just achieved a historic score in the European elections,” they added.

“As professional athletes, coaches and decision-makers, we cannot resign ourselves to seeing the extreme right take power in our country,” said the signatories.

The signatories considered that the far right “tramples on respect”, which they erect as “one of the cornerstones of sport”.

Sport “has shown us that despite our differences; skin colors, religions, accents, cultures, sexual orientations, disabilities, genders, we are part of the same team, and that our diversity is a strength” they underlined.

Read also – Legislative elections: dozens of athletes call to vote against the far right

On Wednesday June 19, 2024, more than 90 French editorial teams joined forces for a common media front against the far right, on the eve of the early legislative elections. A forum with which Imaz Press Réunion is associated. In line with our editorial line and our commitments, it is only natural that our editorial staff also engages in the fight against the far-right.[email protected]

News from Reunion, Legislative, Politics, Mobilization



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