rediscover the pleasure of pure water

rediscover the pleasure of pure water
rediscover the pleasure of pure water

The company ÖKO EUROPE markets an ultra-filtering bottle, which purifies tap water and, more generally, transforms non-drinkable water into “drinkable”. Miracle within everyone’s reach. A look from Jan Vansinte, a happy founder, almost overwhelmed by the sudden but deserved success of his product. Sometimes, the entrepreneur hits his times…

Consume truly pure water

Whether the water comes from the tap or from an external source, pressure will be enough to filter it, that is to say, to sublimate it. This is the promise of ÖKO, a promise worked on, evaluated and finally kept. An ambitious promise with an air of challenge. A mission, too, because health concerns are growing among the population. How can we maintain the pleasure of quenching our thirst when the purity of the water is altered? And then, beyond the concerns, there is the taste.

Yes, there is undoubtedly an intoxication specific to water. Communion with this elemental force, with the strangeness of life, with the murmur of rivers… It is the simplest pleasure there is, and it is also the vital act par excellence: bringing water to one’s lips. The thirsty and the athlete, the poet, the parent, know how important there is in the consumption of this liquid power. Eyes closed, after the effort, mind open, to punctuate the discussion, each sip is a benefit, perceived or not. In fact, the beauty of water is its discretion. It is its contribution to health, without ostentation, without packaging.

When the tap becomes suspicious…

It still has to be healthy. Do we know that from the tap, it can be drinkable, although contaminated? There are pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, medications, biological contaminants (viruses, bacteria, parasites), but also industrial contaminants, such as PFAS, infamous as perennial pollutants… The list is long, in fact too long for us to be exhaustive. Above all, it is important to understand that the ÖKO bottle achieves the feat of purifying water of all toxicity, but without removing the presence of what matters. Unharmed, the mineral elements essential for the proper functioning of the body, such as trace elements, magnesium, potassium or calcium. A flawless one.

The same goes outside the house. It is not without reason that hikers chose ÖKO… Indeed, the pond, the river or the muddy water suddenly become perfect opportunities to quench your thirst. With a simple press on the bottle, the dirty water passes through the filter and comes out clear and luminous. Diaphanous. The same is true in a thousand other circumstances, and quenching finally takes on the air of evidence. Like it should be. There are more and more personalities who appear with their ÖKO water bottle, like Nathalie Marquay-Pernault, Marion Kaplan, Benoît Saint-Denis, Jonathan Coni and many others. But how can such a phenomenon be explained?

This bottle allows you to filter any fresh water. Thanks to the water in the TGV toilets, I avoid paying five euros for a bottle at the bar!

Jan Vansinte, Founder of ÖKO Europe

A powerful filter, without equal

New technologies have entered our daily lives with fury. The most banal object is elevated to the rank of “little gem”, most often for marketing reasons. No real added value. A bit spectacular consumption, and little more. In a sense, it is this movement that ÖKO is bringing to its climax. The consumption ? Yes ! And rather twice than once. But consumption is purified and sanitized!

Using cutting-edge technology, we return to the simplest experience. Detour through the expertise of NASA, through the needs specific to space exploration, to finally rest two feet on the ground of dry land. In fact, hydration is coupled with an idea as simple as it is refined: purity. This is the principle of spin-off, that is to say the recovery of advanced technology and its provision to the greatest number of people. This filter also has a very appreciable lifespan, since it is designed to treat 400 liters of water, with no expiration date.

Clearly, the company is strong when it is supported by the concerns of its time. Hygiene, autonomy, purchasing power: so many reasons to explain the success of this small object, poetic, healthy, practical. Indispensable. This is how a gourd, sold 3,000 copies in 2022, was able to sell 70,000 copies the following year. The figures for 2024 are expected to be even more impressive. Much more impressive. But the tidal wave is crystal clear.



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