Millau. Two gala evenings with students from the Agnès Peladan dance school

The 2023/2024 season was rich in a thousand projects in which the students of the Agnès Peladan dance school participated with the same enthusiasm: La Belle de Millau, concert with the Foyer Soleil, Christmas festivities, show given during the passage of the Olympic flame, the one organized in favor of the fight against Charcot’s disease and so many others…

To end this year brilliantly, they invite you to their show on July 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. at the Théâtre de la Maison du Peuple to immerse yourself in a magical universe where dance, music and emotion meet.


Proud to take on all the challenges, the students of the dance school tackled the choreographies of the great masters of dance in the classical field with the emblematic Sleeping Beauty by Marius Petipa but also in Jazz by discovering the works of Alvin Ailey, Bob Fosse, Twyla Tharp…

Thus, by nourishing themselves from this heritage, from this essential repertoire, they were able to enrich their personal work and understand that dance remains a multiple and universal art which will always exist thanks to the passion of those who teach it and those who practice!

Box office on July 1 and 2 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Théâtre de la Maison du Peuple in Millau. Information on 06 48 65 09 08.



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