For Bénédicte de Choulot, candidate (LR) for the 3rd constituency: the rural territory has “become the outlet for the impoverishment of cities”

For Bénédicte de Choulot, candidate (LR) for the 3rd constituency: the rural territory has “become the outlet for the impoverishment of cities”
For Bénédicte de Choulot, candidate (LR) for the 3rd constituency: the rural territory has “become the outlet for the impoverishment of cities”

Bénédicte de Choulot, Les Républicains candidate in the third constituency, presented “her project for society and national cohesion.”

Candidate for Les Républicains, Bénédicte de Choulot gathered around fifteen people this Wednesday at the Orval socio-cultural center around a “project for society and national cohesion”. After a long introduction by the senator for Cher, Rémy Pointereau (Les Républicains), the candidate for the right in the 3rd constituency developed “the same program as in 2022”, built around several main axes.

Work, health, safety

Work, initially, in a rural area “that has become the outlet for urban impoverishment”. An area for which the candidate relied on her mandate as vice-president of the Department in charge of social affairs. “In September, the Saint-Amandois territory will see the implementation of the RSA subject to activity conditions.”

Health, secondly, in a district “which no longer has a treating doctor”, where “residents must be able to count on other health professionals. »

Neighborhoods “plagued by drug trafficking”

Before mentioning the “insecurity present in towns and villages”, whose neighborhoods are “plagued by drug trafficking. Today, the justice system does not have enough investigators and judges. Minors are only put on trial when they reach the age of majority. »

The candidate ended up with young people, to whom she wants to “offer more possibilities in terms of housing and travel”. “We need national cohesion, to create a society, something we no longer know how to do,” concluded Bénédicte de Choulot.

Jéraud Mouchet



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