Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the Tours constituency, capturing center-left votes as an issue

Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the Tours constituency, capturing center-left votes as an issue
Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the Tours constituency, capturing center-left votes as an issue

In the Tours constituency, six candidates are opposed to the outgoing deputy, the ecologist Charles Fournier who is leaving under the banner of the New Popular Front. The challenge for some of them will be to capture the votes of center-left voters, who refuse the alliance with the Insoumis. A potential reserve in view of the last European elections, since Raphaël Glucksmann’s list came in first with 19.50% of the votes.

From left to right: Lucas Janer (LR), Lisa Garbay (RN), Arnaud Ossart (Reconquêt!) and Thomas Jouhannaud (LO)

Which makes Alain Dayan, former deputy of Jean Germain, say that there is a place for the social democrats he claims to be, “that still represents more than 19% of the votes in the constituency, he said*, there is a way to fight against the extremes, to try to build bridges to speak to voters that we must convince.”* Another candidate who wants to capture these votes, Benoist Pierre, a Horizons card-carrying member, invested by the presidential coalition Ensemble and who received the support of Gabriel Attal this Wednesday. He doubts that left-wing voters will all go to the New Popular Front : “We hear here and there from people who are on the center left and who do not want this alliance with LFI. And I understand them. Perhaps even a large part of this electorate is turning its back, today , to this alliance of the New Popular Front which I describe as an ephemeral front.” The member of the municipal opposition attacks the economic programs of the other two blocs in passing : “What we are proposing is to increase purchasing power without increasing taxes, while for the other candidates, we have very strong tax increases. It’s a shame not to say it , of not having the honesty to say that taxes will increase. It is often hidden.

Charles Fournier defends “a Keynesian recovery policy”

Comments that make the outgoing MP, the ecologist Charles Fournier react : “obviously, all the criticisms made omit the ability to increase revenue and act as if we were only going to increase spending, which is extremely dishonest. I believe that we are on a fairly classic policy, a Keynesian policy of recovery, that is to say recovery through consumption by increasing wages Many economists agree on the effectiveness of this measure, in the situation in which we find ourselves. For taxes, the logic is. quite simple: the richer you are, the more you pay, the poorer you are, the less you pay. And I believe that the big ones will pay a lot, the small ones will pay a little.”

Charles Fournier, who incidentally accuses Benoist Pierre and Alain Dayan of preparing for the municipal elections via these legislative elections. The Republican candidate, Lucas Janer, agrees: “We, precisely, also made the choice to have a candidacy which is completely unrelated to the municipal elections. I have no particular ambitions. Most of the work of an MP is to sit on the National Assembly, to use parliamentary tools to weigh, to beg and we tell the people of Tours that there is another way on the right and in the center, that there are moderate people who will represent them in the Assembly. national and who will know how to work for them.”

As for the National Rally, it nominated a young candidate, Lisa Garbay. The law student brandishes her party’s social card: “We don’t do it in the same way as the left, but it is also a social program that can restore purchasing power to the French. We have evolved the program according to the needs and desires of the French, since it remains our one and only compass.” The RN which achieved nearly 18% of the votes in the European elections, a little over 9% in the last legislative elections. Finally, Reconquête! is represented by Arnaud Ossart, Lutte Ouvrière by Thomas Jouhannaud.



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