Annelies Verlinden puts pressure on the federal government: without a budget, debts accumulate day by day

Annelies Verlinden puts pressure on the federal government: without a budget, debts accumulate day by day
Annelies Verlinden puts pressure on the federal government: without a budget, debts accumulate day by day

Lhe outgoing Minister of the Interior, Annelies Verlinden, who is negotiating at the federal level for the CD&V, estimated on Tuesday that a complete budget should be able to be drawn up before the end of December. “If we work very hard now, there are a number of weeks left that we can use before the end of the year,” she said on the sidelines of an event to launch a campaign on firefighters .

The N-VA, the MR, Les Engagés, Vooruit and CD&V resumed negotiations on Monday with a view to the formation of a federal government. Trainer Bart De Wever wants to work six days a week. A sustained pace will be necessary if the parties of “Arizona” want to pass the 2025 budget before the end of the year. The timing is more than tight.

For the Christian Democratic minister, this “must be possible”. She called for effective use of the remaining weeks before the end of December. Every day that passes without the budget being put in order creates debts for future generations, warned Annelies Verlinden.

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She also called for discretion at the negotiating table: “I sometimes dream of a scenario similar to that of the election of a new pope: everyone retires to the Sistine Chapel and there is no communication until a decision is made. This may be a method that can help us in the coming weeks. »

Federal negotiators met on Monday on the themes of energy and climate, and today/Tuesday on that of public health. Wednesday’s agenda has not been specified.

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