Ukraine-Russia: will France change course? – Public sense

Ukraine-Russia: will France change course? – Public sense
Ukraine-Russia: will France change course? – Public sense

After two years of war, Emmanuel Macron made France the European country most supportive of Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion. A policy assumed and claimed by the President of the Republic who believes that “our sovereignty” and “our values” are being undermined by Vladimir Putin. A sovereignty that attempts to destabilize Ser the Russian President. The red hands tagged on the Holocaust memorial, the Stars of David in the 14th arrondissement at the end of October, the coffins placed under the Eiffel Tower are perceived, by investigators, as attempts at interference intended to fracture the country. The Kremlin’s “interest” in the legislative elections bears witness to this. But in the Russian press, it is considered that the change of tenant at Matignon should not slow down support for Ukraine. If Gabriel Attal recalled during the debate on Tuesday on TF1 the presence of a Franco-Russian whose profile had intrigued the DGSI, possible links with the National Rally today are hardly put forward by the Russian regime. Especially since the three blocs agree on financial and military support for Ukraine. However, the National Rally refused any deployment of French troops on the front. The Popular Front proposes, in addition to the cancellation of the Ukrainian debt and the seizure of the assets of Russian oligarchs, the sending of peacekeepers to secure the nuclear power plants. Could military aid to Ukraine be called into question by a victory for the National Rally or the New Popular Front? Are Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon fascinated by Vladimir Putin? Can France defend itself without a European military policy? We debate it with Sylvie Matelly, economist, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, Guillaume Ancel, former officer and writer, Jean de Gliniasty, former French ambassador to Russia and research director at IRIS.

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