SENEGAL-HEALTH / Health structures: the Mtaps program made it possible to establish “good habits” (official) – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-HEALTH / Health structures: the Mtaps program made it possible to establish “good habits” (official) – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-HEALTH / Health structures: the Mtaps program made it possible to establish “good habits” (official) – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, June 26 (APS) – The Pharmaceutical Medicines, Technologies and Services Program (Mtaps) has succeeded in installing, in six years, habits and skills enabling behavior change in Senegalese health structures, according to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Social Action, Serigne Mbaye.

”During the entire duration of its implementation, the program was able to train health personnel, install habits and skills which make it possible to change behavior at the level of health structures and better welcome the populations,” underlined Mr. Mbaye.

On Tuesday, in Dakar, he chaired the official closing ceremony of Mtaps, launched in September 2018 with the objective of helping low- and middle-income countries strengthen their pharmaceutical systems.

He indicated that this project ”allowed the Ministry of Health to take very strong areas of antimicrobial control, but also protection against infections with experiences in hospitals in Dakar and in the regions”.

Serigne Mbaye launched an appeal to all stakeholders to “maintain acquired skills, habits and skills”.

This is to avoid losing everything that has been done since the start of this project, in particular the five million dollars of investment that it required, or more than three billion CFA francs.

Thanks to this financial support, the ministry was able to “meet many challenges, particularly in the rational use of antimicrobials in health establishments and in the management of biomedical waste during the COVID-19 epidemic,” he said. -it belongs.

He added that “the infection prevention and control (IPC) initiatives implemented by the program have significantly improved the capabilities to prevent infections and protect our populations”.

Through this project, USAID contributed to the preparation and response to viral hemorrhagic fevers and the response to COVID-19.

”The closure of this project does not mark the end of our commitment, but rather the beginning of a new phase of collaboration. The strong foundations laid by the Mtaps project provide a springboard for future initiatives, says USAID Health Director Nora Madrigal

According to the results report, 13 health establishments in eight regions have had infection prevention committees.

The project also made it possible to make 17 trainers in antimicrobial management available. Furthermore, 32,594 COVID-19 safety boxes were properly disposed of in six regions.

Launched in September 2018, the Mtaps project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is implemented by the Management Sciences for Health (MSH) organization.

It is considered a “strategic partner in the fight against antimicrobial resistance and in the prevention and control of infections”




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