We asked your opinions on the Bourgada belvedere, just opened in the center of Nice

We asked your opinions on the Bourgada belvedere, just opened in the center of Nice
We asked your opinions on the Bourgada belvedere, just opened in the center of Nice

A first section of the extension of the green channel was unveiled this weekend. Olive trees, holm oaks, fountain… Little by little, the people of Nice are taking over this large garden with a Mediterranean spirit. Here are the first opinions!

The ruins of a National Theater building are now a thing of the past. This Saturday, June 22, the very first (small) part of Promenade du Paillon “season two” was inaugurated. In place of the old TNN building, demolished in 2023, the “Bourgada Belvedere” hosts 5,000 square meters of greenery.

Photo : Nice-Presse

Olive trees, holm oaks, umbrella pines, thyme, rosemary… In total, 150 trees were planted. All are watered using a rainwater recovery system. This garden laid out in terraces, that is to say terraces typical of Provençal architecture, also accommodates a belvedere with a view over the whole of our city. But then what do the people of Nice think of this new development? We went there this Tuesday, June 25.

Photo : Nice-Presse

“Before, it was too concrete. Now we can finally breathe”

Chantal is walking with a friend. “I had the opportunity to come to the inauguration and now I am back to discover more of this place”. For this Nice girl, “Visually it’s very beautiful and above all it has the effect of a lung in the city. We can only appreciate it. I will often pass by there to go to Old Nice, it’s pleasant.” One thing is certain: “I prefer this version to the old one”.

A little further on, Danielle enjoys the panorama. “It’s the first time I’ve come here. It’s very good and super pretty. There’s greenery, benches to sit on… It’s all this whole thing that I like. Before, it was too concrete. There we can finally breathe.”

Photo : Nice-Presse


Jean-​Marie and Vienne also take their little tour in the afternoon. “We like it, it’s a logical continuation. The place is pleasant and there is a magnificent view of the Old Town.” These residents are delighted but a small question arises: “we noticed a disabled facility below but it stops at the level of the stairs. There is no access to go up here (to the belvedere, Editor’s note). We suppose that they will put some on the sides by the following”. Work is continuing. By next year, this space will overlook the forecourt of the Museum of Contemporary Art, which is closed for renovation until 2028.

Jean-​Marie and Vienne. Photo: Nice-Presse

A little touch of nostalgia is felt for Jean-​Marie and Vienne. “Before there was the theater. We were subscribers, we went there often. Obviously it’s a little something not to see it anymore. But it’s still very nice now! We’re looking forward to what’s next.”

Some even go so far as to regret the past. This is the case for Laure: “we are discovering this space today. It’s true that from above, there is an exceptional view, it’s a joy. But hey… There are still lots of things that have disappeared. I was born in Nice, I saw the construction of Acropolis, but also of Bayard’s TNN. We regret these buildings a little. It feels strange not to see them anymore…” Maryvonne continues “on a cultural level we feel a little impoverisheds”. Despite everything “We are happy to be able to access Old Nice easily now. With the work, it was complicated.”

Maryvonne and Laure. Photo: Nice-Presse

This is just the beginning. The final result is planned for 2025, with eight new hectares gained towards the North.



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