For Frédéric Di Meglio, the underwater world of Bastia deserves to be known

For Frédéric Di Meglio, the underwater world of Bastia deserves to be known
For Frédéric Di Meglio, the underwater world of Bastia deserves to be known

The French Federation of Underwater Studies and Sports has chosen Marine Diving Center in Bastia to host this 43rd French Underwater Photo Video Championship. What motivated the choice of Bastia?

It was important that this edition took place in Bastia, because the city is still little known in the underwater world. When people think of diving in Corsica, they have in mind Calvi, Ajaccio and Bonifacio. A territory like Corsica has many facets and it is a good thing that we highlight them all. Diversifying the dive sites is essential, because overcrowding has a negative impact on the experience of divers, as well as on the marine environment.

What do you think is the advantage of Corsican diving sites?

Without a doubt, transparent water! Posidonia are also a great asset that absolutely must be preserved, it is also one of the themes imposed for the photos and videos of the championship. Let’s face it, the water is also warmer than elsewhere and this is not insignificant when you have to concentrate while remaining still to capture beautiful images.

“The image is the best showcase of the underwater world”

This Saturday evening, with the other jurors*, you will select the two photographers and the videographer who will compete in the world championship. What type of images are you hoping to see?

Each member of the jury has a specific point of view thanks to their background, each one brings their part during the deliberations. I have already been president of the jury about thirty times, I have seen and made a lot of images and, despite everything, I still hope to be surprised. It is not the rare animal that I am waiting for, because that is a matter of luck. It is rather the point of view that interests me. Treating an ordinary subject in an extraordinary way is very powerful!

You have been a three-time world champion and you continue to dive. One might think that you cannot resist the call of funds.

When you go underwater and stop to look at the surface, you see the sun shining, you are in tune with the elements, and you feel better about yourself. The blue planet is not just the marine environment, it is like a third dimension. Your senses and your breathing rhythm are no longer the same, you only think about the present moment. Making beautiful underwater images requires mental preparation. Sometimes you have to wait twenty minutes for the right moment to arrive.

Many of the championship participants talk about an ecological awareness in the diving world. How do you hope to raise awareness among the general public about preserving the marine environment?

I campaign at European level to link well-being, health and biodiversity: ” One health in the water “ ! Any regression in biodiversity can have an impact on human health and each species has its importance. Images are the best showcase of the underwater world, which is why underwater photography and video are so important!

* Underwater photographer François Scorsonelli, director of the Cap Corse and Agriate marine natural park Maddy Cancemi, underwater reporter Fabrice Dudenhofer, underwater film directors Franck Fougère and Pascal Marcellin and photographer Jean -Lou Gazzini.



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