He robs a grocery store in Perpignan by pretending to be armed, lies about his identity and is violent with the police…

He robs a grocery store in Perpignan by pretending to be armed, lies about his identity and is violent with the police…
He robs a grocery store in Perpignan by pretending to be armed, lies about his identity and is violent with the police…

The facts date back to the beginning of June. The man was presented before the Perpignan criminal court this Wednesday June 19, 2024.

On Sunday June 9, 2024, a man presented himself in a grocery store in Perpignan. With his hand under his jacket, he pretends to be armed to threaten the saleswoman, who is forced to give him the contents of the crate. The police were called, and went to the scene to take the testimony of the very shocked cashier.

The anti-crime brigade is put on the spot: guided by their colleagues via the city’s video surveillance cameras, they arrest a suspect on Place Cassanyes.

The man was arrested: on him, the police found the money from the cash register, a knife, but no handgun. The officials try to take the suspect to the police station for questioning, but the latter does not see it that way. During transport, he insults, threatens and manages to kick the police. One of them almost gets a headbutt.

At the police station, he was placed, refused to be tested for alcohol and lied about his identity. This identity was quickly discovered by the police, who realized that he was wanted for escape. During the hearing, the man explained that he had “lost his cool”.

Given his condition, he was then taken into the care of a psychiatric unit where he spent a stay, before being questioned again in police custody. This Wednesday, June 19, he was finally presented for immediate appearance before the judicial court of Perpignan, where he was found guilty of repeated theft, contempt and violence against police officers and was sentenced to 12 months of imprisonment, 6 months of non-adjustable prison for taking the name of a third party that may determine criminal prosecution.



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