Sepanso’s appeal against the redevelopment of Place de la Monnaie about to be rejected

Sepanso’s appeal against the redevelopment of Place de la Monnaie about to be rejected
Sepanso’s appeal against the redevelopment of Place de la Monnaie about to be rejected

The consultation criticized

Among the main complaints in the file: the progress of the consultation. Sepanso 64 considers that this step was not correctly carried out by the City. “It was a sham,” says Marianne Ducamp, administrator of the association on the sidelines of the hearing. “A fundamental defect,” says Max Crouau, the association’s tree specialist and agricultural engineer.

For the public rapporteur, this phase, included from January 6 to March 26, 2021, took place following “a sufficient period of time given the scale of the project corresponding to a public development of a small neighborhood”. A file has been made available to the public at duty stations and on the municipality’s website. And a register dedicated to the collection of observations was kept.

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However, the applicants do not understand that “the 250 participations, including 2,000 comments”, collected by the Pour la Place de la Monnaie collective, were not taken into account during the development of the project. “The modifications made during the amending permit take into account the observations,” considers the magistrate. “They are purely cosmetic. In reality, the project was already in place before the consultation,” criticizes Me Dorothée Mandile, counsel for Sepanso, in her pleading. “The choice to opt for ornamental pear trees was made because the residents wanted a species that does not hide the light, it is good that their opinions were taken into account,” defends Me Pauline Platel, lawyer within the Bordeaux firm Adaltys which advises the City.

Removal of eleven chestnut trees

Sepanso also denounces the environmental non-compliance of the project. According to her, the felling of eleven chestnut trees was not compensated by the planting of ornamental pear trees and various plant developments. Likewise, the new coating would prevent the infiltration of rainwater, causing water stress for the trees. “Deactivated concrete has an absolutely deadly effect on plantations,” continues Me Mandile.

Work is progressing at Place de la Monnaie.

Alban Laffitte

“The compensatory measures are assessed in light of all the measures envisaged. Carbon sequestration cannot be assessed tree by tree,” recalls the magistrate, observing that the base of the trees has been “stripped off” in order to promote their development and water supply.

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The association maintains that the retreat of vegetation and the removal of a fountain “would harm the health of local residents” by creating a greenhouse effect. These “allegations” raise questions for the magistrate. “On the contrary, the documents in the file show a reduction in artificialized spaces in favor of increased vegetation in the sector,” assures the rapporteur.

Crossroad safety

Finally, the environmental association points out the new configuration of the intersection, a roundabout replacing two traffic lights at the intersection of Rue Marca and Place de la Monnaie. According to Sepanso, this change would be likely to “increase the accident-prone nature” of the Monnaie district. “This project allows for an improvement in the sharing of public space and highlights the neighborhood,” says Me Pauline Platel.

“The whole thing offers good visibility for all users, including those leaving rue du Gave,” adds the public rapporteur who requested the rejection of the request. For the record, the administrative court of Pau had already rejected, in July 2022, the summary suspension against the permit to develop the Place de la Monnaie, in order to stop the construction site.

Leaving the court, the members of Sepanso, present at the hearing, did not hide their disappointment. “We are not surprised. In Pau, the environment is often left behind,” says Marianne Ducamp. “We are dealing with greenwashing with a project that removes eleven tall trees to replace them with meadows and a medieval garden. It’s ridiculous,” regrets Me Dorothée Mandile. “The compensation measures are appropriate, Sepanso asserts things without any evidence,” replies Me Platel. Under deliberation, the decision is expected in three weeks.



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