Running. More than 1,200 participants expected at the 5 and 10 km des Mascarets in Pont-Audemer

Running. More than 1,200 participants expected at the 5 and 10 km des Mascarets in Pont-Audemer
Running. More than 1,200 participants expected at the 5 and 10 km des Mascarets in Pont-Audemer


Benoit Galley

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 4:20 p.m.

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The 5 and 10 km of Pont-Audemer (Eure) are scheduled for this Sunday, June 30, 2024. The event will take place a week in advance compared to previous years. The reason ? The following Saturday, July 6, the Olympic flame will pass through the city.

“The emergency services will be mobilized all weekend. We could not organize our race on July 7th. We therefore brought it forward by a week so that it would be well present in the Mascarets festival,” explains Gilles Costils. Moreover, the president of the Pont-Audemer athletic club will carry the Olympic flame in the department, like the club’s two other athletes, Louis Labbé and Benjamin Moussa.

The last places

“Race organizers have noticed an increase in commitments for some time. We have more than 1,200 registered (this Sunday, June 23), more than twice as many as last year. there are 80 places left in the 5 km and 550 in the 10 km,” adds Gilles Costils. Last year, the participation record was broken with 1,400 participants.

The routes will be identical to previous years. For the 10 km (departure at 10:15 a.m.), with five pacemakers, two 5 km loops are on the program. The departure is planned from rue de la République, with a passage via boulevard Pasteur, rue de l’Étang, rue de Normandie, rue du Doult-Vitran, rue des Tanneurs, rue Jules-Ferry, rue des Carmelites, Alfred-Canel , rue des Remparts, place De Gaulle, rue de la République then arrive at place Louis-Gillain.

Please note that this year, the arrival area will be modified: the refreshment tents will be set up on the square and not on the road. Top athletes are registered, including Loïc Letellierinterregional cross-country champion. Several PAAC athletes will also be at the start: Samuel Floquet, Émilie Gavens and Hélène Reinaudo-Lamon.

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Only one loop is planned for the 5 km (departure at 9 a.m.). The start of the Nordic walk (10 km) is scheduled for 8:15 a.m., the 5 km hike at 8:30 a.m. Children’s races are scheduled for 9:40 a.m. (children, athletic development, 750 m) then 9:50 a.m. (chicks, 1,100 m, toddlers, 1,950 m).

Around a hundred volunteers (registrations, delivery of bibs, marshals, supplies) will be mobilized to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Parking and traffic

The main streets will be closed to traffic and parking prohibited during the race, from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday June 30. Parking prohibited rue de la République, place Victor-Hugo, place Louis-Gillain, boulevard Pasteur, rue des Papetiers, chemin de la Ruelle, rue des Tanneurs, rue Jules-Ferry, from the place du rond-point du Pot d’Étain at rue du Pré Baron, place du Pot d’Étain, rue des Carmelites, rue Alfred-Canel, rue Aristide-Briand. Traffic prohibited rue de la République, rue Thiers, place Victor-Hugo, rue Gambetta, place du Pot d’Étain, boulevard Pasteur, rue des Papetiers, chemin de la Ruelle, rue de Normandie, rue d’Artois, rue du Doult- Vitran, rue de Savoie, rue des Tanneurs, rue du Pré Baron, rue Jules-Ferry, rue des Carmelites, rue Alfred-Canel, rue des Remparts, rue Aristide-Briand, place Louis-Gillain.

Pour collection of bibs, the presentation of a copy of an identity document will be compulsory for adults. Bib holders will be prohibited. Safety pins will be available. Collection of bibs on Friday June 28 at Decathlon from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday June 29 at Bricomarché from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Then on Sunday June 30 in the Salle de la Risle upstairs, the Salle d’Armes being requisitioned for the elections. It will be possible to register on site depending on the number of bibs available with an increase of €2.

Practical: 5 and 10 km from Pont-Audemer, Sunday June 30. Start of the 5 km (€8): 9 a.m. Start of the 10 km (13 km): 10:15 a.m. 3 stays to be won. A complimentary beer or energy drink upon arrival. 1 free t-shirt for everyone. Registration:

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