Top 14: no sanction for USAP after incidents in the stands during the match in Pau

Top 14: no sanction for USAP after incidents in the stands during the match in Pau
Top 14: no sanction for USAP after incidents in the stands during the match in Pau

The disciplinary committee cleared the Catalan club.

The disciplinary committee considered that the USAP did not have to be responsible for what happened in the stands last Saturday, August 8, during the match between Pau and the USAP, at the Hameau stadium, as part of the last day of Top 14.

Read also :
Top 14: USAP and Pau summoned before the disciplinary committee following incidents between supporters at Le Hameau

In the last minutes of the match (36-24 defeat of the Catalans), a fight broke out between supporters. If at first, the Pau versions assured that it was a Catalan who was at the origin of the incident, the images filmed that day quickly contradicted this situation, with a Béarnaise supporter strongly involved.

Internal work

In any case, the disciplinary committee, which took up the matter, considered that the USAP had no responsibility for this fight, and that it should not be sanctioned.

Read also :
Top 14: in Pau, some USAP supporters (again) spoiled the party

Read also :
INFO THE INDEPENDENT. Top 14: François Rivière, the president of the USAP, sent a letter to the National Rugby League following the incidents in Pau

However, the leaders, after the incidents during the trip to Montpellier, and during the reception of Clermont, decided to work hand in hand with the supporters’ associations to avoid problems in the future. “I have also insisted on our desire to act as best as possible, management of the Usap and members of the penyes, to make our best efforts so that our behavior is irreproachable, said François Rivière, the president of the Catalan club, after his hearing. You are one of the most beautiful audiences in French rugby, let’s be proud and hold high, with respect, the values ​​of our club.”



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