Seine-et-Marne: these two villages join the intercommunal police of Melun Val de Seine

Seine-et-Marne: these two villages join the intercommunal police of Melun Val de Seine
Seine-et-Marne: these two villages join the intercommunal police of Melun Val de Seine


Agnès Braik

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 3:56 p.m.

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A definite step forward for these two villages in Seine-et-Marne which lack municipal police. Monday 1is July, Maincy (1,800 inhabitants) and Lissy (380 souls according to the last census) will join the intercommunal police of the Melun Val de Seine agglomeration.

“Resolve incivility”

“We have submitted an application in order to resolve minor incivilitieswhich are not part of the missions of the national police, explains Stéphane Fondanesches, 1is deputy mayor of Maincy, in charge of local life and Security. We have some parking problems and cars abandoned on public roads. Furthermore, we regularly receive feedback from town hall from parents of students, who deplore that the stop sign either regularly grid in front of the school, at the time of entry and exit from classes! »

A flyer was distributed by the municipality to warn residents. The intercommunal police will carry out a prevention campaign for a few weeks. “Afterwards, there will be almonds !, warns the elected official. In Maincy, we want to put safety back on the agenda. Video protection was the first step of our mandate. Joining the intercommunal police is the second step.”

In the gendarmerie zone, the mayor of Lissy, Jean-Claude Lecinse, is also delighted with this new collaboration. ” Manage poorly parked cars is not part of the prerogatives of the gendarmes, he explains. There is a real Fed up in the town, motorists park on the sidewalk and pedestrians must walk on the road. People do anything, it’s no longer possible! »

Armed police

The head of the intercommunal police, Eric Messaoud, recalls that 16 communes adhere to it: “We are strengthened by the findings of elected officials who approve of our effectiveness! today, we have 13 police officers and we are finalizing recruitment to reach a workforce of 16. The goal is to rotate three pairs during the day and three trinomials by night. »

Videos: currently on -

Serge Durand, vice-president of Melun Val de Seine, in charge of security, recalls the history of the structure, created in 2018. “At the request of the former mayor of Melun, Louis Vogel, it was first dedicated to transport and managed the stations, buses and trains, he says. It was a response to Transdev’s request, after the attack on several of its drivers who had exercised their right to withdraw. » He continues: “In 2020, we decided to increase the skills of the plenary intermunicipal police, for the 14 member municipalities at the time, and this was implemented in 2023”.

Intercommunal police officers have four vehicles on duty screen printed. According to the will of the elected officials, they are armed. Equipment includes a handgun 9 mm caliber, a telescopic baton, a tear gas bomb, a defense ball launcher and an electric taser.

“With the new president of the agglomeration, Franck Vernin, we want to further develop our intercommunal police force and find new projects,” concludes Serge Durand. A delinquency observatory was also put in place. The goal is to observe in order to be even more effective and intervene wisely. »

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