Morocco on the front line

Morocco on the front line
Morocco on the front line

On direct instructions from King Mohammed VI, President of the Al Quds Committee, a major humanitarian medical aid operation was launched for the Palestinian population of Gaza on Monday, June 24. King Mohammed VI generously financed a large part of this aid from his own funds, indicates the same source.

Indeed, this was announced in a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad. This assistance, ordered by the King of Morocco, includes 40 tons of essential medical products. These supplies include devices to treat burns, equipment for surgical and trauma emergencies, as well as essential medications. These medical products are intended for both adults and young children, the ministry emphasized in an official press release.

The delivery of this Moroccan aid will follow the same new land route used during the food aid operation deployed during the month of last Ramadan, the press release specifies. These large-scale humanitarian initiatives in favor of the Palestinians confirm the effective commitment and uninterrupted concern of King Mohammed VI, President of the Al Quds Committee, towards the Palestinian Cause, concluded the declaration.

In this regard, Hespress in French, asked Mohamed Bouden, academician and political scientist, specialist in the Middle East, president of the Atlas Center for the analysis of political and institutional indicators (CAAIPI), for a reading of this important humanitarian aid operation medical.

“The royal instructions from His Majesty King Mohammed VI to direct medical aid to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are part of the Sovereign’s continued and benevolent attention to the Palestinian problem. This initiative adds to the many historic actions undertaken by the Kingdom of Morocco to support the resilience of Palestinians and their legitimate rights. underlines, from the outset, the academician.

Royal gesture for Palestine: a tradition of solidarity and concrete actions

For the political scientist, the humanitarian aid provided by the Kingdom of Morocco is part of a long tradition of humanitarian support in response to various occasions. The latest being the sending of food aid during the holy month of Ramadan, an operation marked by an unprecedented breakthrough via the Kerem Shalom crossing. Morocco’s incessant efforts towards Palestine have always been a source of hope, based on deeply rooted values ​​of solidarity. They embody concrete action that goes beyond simple speech.

This royal gesture, continues Mohamed Bouden, “ is added to the register of initiatives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, President of the Al-Quds Committee, aimed at supporting Palestine. The nature, timing and quantity of humanitarian aid – 40 tonnes of medicines and medical equipment – ​​demonstrate the Kingdom’s keen awareness of the urgent needs in the Gaza Strip, where the health system is suffering from a serious shortage “.

This humanitarian aid is also a manifestation of the principled position of the Kingdom of Morocco on the Palestinian question, a central pillar of its foreign policy. “In addition to the humanitarian and concrete dimensions, with the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency operating for 26 years, Morocco continues to act on the political and diplomatic fronts. It constantly engages international powers to promote peace in the Middle East and raise awareness of the dangers of escalation and unilateral Israeli actions. adds the president of the Atlas Center for the analysis of political and institutional indicators.

Effective royal diplomacy

Delivering this humanitarian aid smoothly and securely to Gaza would not have been possible without intensive diplomatic work with all parties in the region. This demonstrates once again the influence and respect that royal diplomacy enjoys, both among Palestinians and Israelis, as well as international powers, including the United States.

This success represents a notable diplomatic achievement for the benefit of the Palestinians in Gaza and reinforces the efforts of humanitarian mechanisms operating in the region within the framework of international humanitarian law. Morocco, faithful to its independent vision, continues to work with calm and discernment to ease the suffering of the Palestinian brothers and respond to their relentless call.

This humanitarian initiative by His Majesty King Mohammed VI constitutes an eloquent expression for the entire world of the importance of reaching out to the Palestinians in these difficult times.says Mohamed Bouden, an expert in contemporary international affairs.



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