from July 15, the speed will be lowered to 70 km/h on the M35

from July 15, the speed will be lowered to 70 km/h on the M35
from July 15, the speed will be lowered to 70 km/h on the M35

From July 15, the speed on the M35 will drop to 70km/h all day, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. even on weekends and public holidays. “ A desire for readability » according to the Eurométropole, which also announces that infrared radars will finally work, again from July 15.

The lives of Strasbourg and Eurometropolitan motorists will soon change. Since December 2021, the speed on the M35 was already reduced to 70 km/h during the activation times of the lanes reserved for carpooling (between Reichstett and Place de Haguenau, and between La Vigie and Porte de Schirmeck). But this system was considered a little too complicated.

For what ? Car lThe speed was 70 km/h only from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. then from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., on weekdays. « A readability problem “, according to Pia Imbs, president of the Eurometropolis, but which will soon be resolved.

© BlueBreezeWiki – Own work – CC BY-SA 3.0 / Photo d’illustration

70 km/h from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the M35

To make things simpler, on July 15, the speed on the M35 will now be 70 km/h from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., every day, even weekends and public holidays. Motorists will therefore be able to drive at 90km/h only between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. To ensure compliance with traffic rules, checks will be carried out by automatic radars. There are currently no plans to add more to the M35.

A desire to « gradually remove the M35 from its motorway character » according to Alain Jund, vice-president of the Eurometropolis. He adds that « with this system everyone is a winner », whether in terms of accidents, pollution and therefore air quality. Not sure everyone agrees with this statement.

© BlueBreezeWiki – CC BY-SA 3.0 – Wikimedia Commons / Photo d’illustration

Infrared radars finally operational to control carpool lanes

Great saga of recent years, the two infrared control radars of the two carpooling lanes were well installed, but until now did not control the vehicles. This will also change from July 15, when they will be operational to detect whether or not a motorist is alone in a carpool lane. In the event of an infraction, the fine will be €135.. As a reminder, these radars are positioned between Elsau, Baggersee and Illkirch for one and on the municipal ban of Schiltigheim, between the Schiltigheim exit and that of Strasbourg Center for the other.

Concretely, these infrared radars will identify all the people in the car using thermal heat, even a baby. However, as the control is still in the experimental phase, if there is any doubt, the motorist will not be penalized. Finally, the Eurométropole’s objective is also to better identify carpooling lanes: by better signage and, in the future, by a different road color. More future changes to come on the M35.



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