Towards a strengthening of Morocco-Palestine cooperation in the field of health –

CThe talks, which took place in the presence of the director in charge of the management of the Bayt Mal Al Quds Acharif Agency, Mohamed Salem Cherkaoui, and members of the Palestinian delegation led by the Palestinian Minister of Al Quds Affairs, Ashraf Al Aawar, focused on recent developments in the Palestinian territories, particularly with regard to the health situation in Al-Quds and the Gaza Strip.

In a speech on this occasion, Aït Taleb noted Morocco’s willingness to collaborate with the Palestinian side, through the organization of humanitarian campaigns and training workshops for the benefit of Palestinian health professionals in the areas of common interest, as well as to strengthen health cooperation through the exchange of experiences and expertise between the two countries in the health, therapeutic and pharmaceutical fields.

He underlined Morocco’s openness to all the initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Al Quds Affairs to serve the Makdesi population in the field of health, and its desire to strengthen cooperation and coordinate efforts with a view to promote the health sector in Palestine.

In this regard, the minister welcomed the efforts of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency, particularly in terms of supervising the organization and success of successive visits by Palestinian delegations to Morocco, recalling, in this context, the two visits carried out by delegations from the Palestinian hospitals of Al-Quds in Morocco, in October 2019 and February 2023.

For his part, Al Aawar stressed the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the field of health, through the exchange of information, research and studies related to current and future strategies and activities, as well as the sharing of pioneering experiences to support the capabilities of health professionals through initial and continuing training.

The Palestinian official also praised the efforts made by Morocco, in accordance with the instructions of King Mohammed VI, President of the Al Quds Committee, to ensure continued humanitarian support to the State of Palestine in order to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians. in Al-Quds and in the Gaza Strip, welcoming, in this regard, the humanitarian medical aid ordered by the king for the inhabitants of Gaza, the distribution of which began this very day in the Palestinian enclave.

The Palestinian delegation, composed of officials from the Al-Quds and Gaza governorates, began on Monday a visit to the Kingdom that will continue until June 28, at the invitation of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif Agency.

(with MAP)



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