Morocco, under the leadership of HM the King, plays a central role in strengthening South-South cooperation

Morocco, under the leadership of HM the King, plays a central role in strengthening South-South cooperation
Morocco, under the leadership of HM the King, plays a central role in strengthening South-South cooperation

Morocco, thanks to the progress made under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, and its active presence in various regional and international bodies, plays a central role in strengthening South-South cooperation, particularly between Africa and Latin America, said Tuesday in Rabat, the president of the Morocco-Chile parliamentary friendship group, Jaime Naranjo Ortiz.

“We were able to see first-hand the significant progress made by Morocco in various areas, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, which positions the Kingdom as a central player in Africa and in strengthening the continent’s ties with all of Latin America.”underlined Mr. Naranjo Ortiz, in a statement to the press following his meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita.

Describing these talks with Mr. Bourita as “extremely important,” Mr. Naranjo Ortiz, who leads a Chilean parliamentary delegation, indicated that they focused on ways for the two countries to take advantage of their respective potentials in favor of of their geostrategic and geographical position, highlighting the convergence of points of view on numerous issues, such as the strengthening of international peace, the consolidation of democracy, the improvement of the condition of women and the strengthening of trade.

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Morocco, with its Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, and Chile, with its Pacific coast, can play a crucial role in promoting regional cooperation, particularly between Africa and Latin America, he noted.

Concerning the national cause, the Chilean parliamentarian reaffirmed his support for Morocco’s efforts to resolve the artificial conflict around the Moroccan Sahara, stressing that “our position today does not differ from that of yesterday”.

“We stand in solidarity with you in whatever is necessary for the resolution of this conflict” in the service of peace and stability in the region, he concluded.

With MAP



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