Agadir: Civil activists in “Ourir” deny the “criminal” images circulating and link them to celebrations

Agadir: Civil activists in “Ourir” deny the “criminal” images circulating and link them to celebrations
Agadir: Civil activists in “Ourir” deny the “criminal” images circulating and link them to celebrations

Sources from civil activists and authorities from the territorial community of Ourir, north of the city of Agadir, denied to Heba Press the images that circulated on social networks showing a number of people attacked with gunshots. knife, they said in a statement to Heba Press. According to the newspaper, these images were distributed by parties through Blue Space. Linking them to the “Boujloud” celebrations in the region is fake news, intended to create panic and fear. It dates back to 2016 and is not linked to the Ourir region.

The horrible images that have circulated on the Internet, reporting a massacre due to the Belmaune carnival and conflicts between gangs armed with bladed weapons, are fake news. The newspaper’s sources claim that there was only one incident recorded during the Eid days. the Aourir region, linked to a dispute and a settling of scores between two people which ended in an exchange of blows and injuries, and there is no connection with him, and measures were taken towards him by the authorities.

The Aourir region witnessed the organization of the Belmaune Carnival, which most regions of Souss attend, and the inhabitants lived to witness this annual artistic event, without recording any slippage throughout the days of celebration .

The Ourir region, north of the city of Agadir, whose security is managed by the Royal Gendarmerie and the local authority, is preparing to receive thousands of Moroccan and foreign tourists in order to discover the kindness of its inhabitants and enjoy its mountain and coastal beauty. , the famous “Ourir casserole” and the delicious “mousse”.



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