Cosmetic Valley celebrates its thirtieth anniversary at the Château de Chambord

Cosmetic Valley celebrates its thirtieth anniversary at the Château de Chambord
Cosmetic Valley celebrates its thirtieth anniversary at the Château de Chambord



Published on

June 26, 2024 at 7:44 a.m.

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It is at the castle of Chambord (Loir-et-Cher) that Cosmetic Valley, the organization which brings together, coordinates and supports companies, research centers, universities and schools in the French perfumery-cosmetics sector chose to celebrate its 30 ans.

The competitiveness cluster based in Chartres (Eure-et-Loir) has become in three decades a key player in this sector, a real ecosystem bringing together thousands of employees.

500 guests around the cake

This Thursday, June 20, 2024, 500 guests : brands, member companies, representatives of similar international sectors, elected officials from regional territories and professionals from the French perfume and cosmetics sector celebrated Made in France and French luxury.

Among them, Thierry Vasseur of the brand GuerlainHervé Navellou, president of L’Oreal FrancePascal Bonnet, vice-president of the University of Orléans, Shinji Yamasaki, president of Japan Cosmetic Center, Ivan Massari, Italian vice-president of Polo Della Cosmesi, Margarita Sidorova, president of Canadian Cosmetic Cluster and other representatives of European and international cosmetics sectors.

Une success-story made in France

Cosmetic Valley can be proud of having become in thirty years a true French success story, “illustrating how innovation, know-how and collaboration can propel an industry to the forefront. global summit » she communicates.

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Since its creation in 1994, Cosmetic Valley has indeed managed to transform a historical heritage “into a dynamic economic engine, strengthening France’s position as the undisputed leader in the cosmetics and perfumery sector.”

This does not prevent multiple challenges to be met over the next thirty years to face international competition.

We are celebrating our thirtieth anniversary. Two or three centuries ago, we would have had one foot in the grave. Times have changed: Cosmetic Valley is bursting with youth and ambitions, projects and desires. In three decades, it has only known progress. More missions. More action. More members. More services offered and provided.

Marc-Antoine Jamet
President of Cosmetic Valley

“Some competitiveness clusters have fallen asleep by the fire”

Marc-Antoine Jamet does not fail to emphasize that “certain competitiveness clusters have slowly fallen asleep by the fire. Like these English clubs which no longer have an age, they have become refuges for a few old dinosaurs whose most of the day is spent reading the newspaper while smoking a cigar. Peace to their souls.”

Cosmetic Valley has, in its eyes, been able to turn the tables. Taking this step aside that is so crucial when society evolves.

“They did not want to upset this old architecture which separated the public from the private, which ignored SMEs and ETIs, because they were too small, the CAC 40 giants because they were too big, which almost froze hierarchically the relationship between suppliers and principals, which was indifferent to our friends in glass, cardboard and plastic, who saw no interest in representing, from the producer of ingredients to the owner of the cargo ship, the entire of the value chain, in short, who did not know how to “make a chain””.

“Navigating the Storms”

The Chartres competitiveness cluster has adopted Seneca’s motto “There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going” by avoiding the traps that were being set. And there were many of them. So unity created strength, as its president recounts:

With this unity, we knew how to sail in storms, as well as in light weather. With Covid, despite the crises. We were regional. We have become hexagonal. We were French. We have become international. We managed the moment. We dared to innovate. We weren’t considered enough. We have become the second largest item in our country’s trade balance. We have transformed challenges into opportunities, supporting companies in their transformation to tame the major digital and ecological, technological and geopolitical transitions that are shaping the future. We have participated in defining, creating and expanding a competitive, bold and sustainable industry. We have consolidated our leadership position, our number 1 status.

Marc-Antoine Jamet

A president who did not fail to salute “the courage and ardor of the small team of women and men, young, competent, friendly, who surround me and who, after Jean-Luc Ansel, lead Christophe Masson . We couldn’t have done it if we didn’t believe in it. I still believe in. For today. For tomorrow. With all. With you obviously. »

A collaborative ecosystem unique in the world

The story of Cosmetic Valley begins in the Centre-Val de Loire, Normandy and Île-de-France regions, territories rich in cosmetic tradition and industrial know-how. In 1994, the desire to structure this sector and revitalize it led to the creation of
this entity, with the mission of bringing together export industry players and promoting innovation.

The cluster has the capacity to create a collaborative ecosystem. It brings together all the professional know-how, from plant cultivation to finished products, as well as the schools, research centers and universities involved in the field.

A unique ecosystem in the world made up of more than 80% of VSE-SMEs which work alongside mid-sized companies and groups in the sector to develop employment in France.

The key figures of Cosmetic Valley

■ 3,600 R&D projects

■ 26,000 researchers

■ 1,000 patents filed per year

■ 750 million euros of investments

■ 96% growth (2009-2019) in publication submissions

■ 60 start-ups supported each year

■ 1st General Meeting of the sector – 30 measures for a winning and sustainable recovery

■ 6 Partner Regions

■ 4 sector committees chaired by the Minister of the Economy

■ 2nd contributor to the French trade balance

■ 30 partners on 5 continents

■ 1re Ambassade sectorielle : FFCE – French Fragrance and Cosmetics Embassy

■ 21 billion euros in exports

■ 1st global exporter of perfumes and cosmetics

Four major axes


Supporting companies in digital and ecological transformations.

Be a driving force in the economic development of territories.

Legitimize the sector with public authorities.

Helping companies internationalize.

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