The Barber Beer of Libourne

The Barber Beer of Libourne
The Barber Beer of Libourne

In Libourne, two enthusiasts decided to break the rules with an idea that was as brilliant as it was unusual: mixing hairdressing and craft beer. Dominique Zajkowski and Florian Allart created Ô BAB Yes, you read correctly, a place where you can refresh your hair while enjoying an artisanal mousse. Let us tell you about this adventure that smells of hops and sharp scissors.

Origins of the idea Ô BAB

Before Covid came to turn our lives upside down, Dominique, with thirty-five years of hairdressing under his belt, and Florian, the beer enthusiast, had a revelation. Why not combine their two worlds? It’s as if the idea was written in the stars… or rather in the foam of a nice cold beer. Their project started gently, with a simple desire to have fun. And they didn’t stop there.

Photo Credit: Ô BAB

Imagine the heated discussions between these two. On one side, Dominique sharing hairdressing anecdotes and innovative cutting techniques, and on the other, Florian describing the subtleties of hops and the secrets of brewing. The complementarity of their passions was obvious. And that’s where it clicked: what if we created a place where you could get your hair done while enjoying a craft beer? It sounds crazy, but it worked.

The Barber Beer concept in detail

The new Barber Beer lounge is something never seen before in Libourne. Imagine a place where hairdressing chairs rub shoulders with a well-stocked bar. Goodbye to the eight classic armchairs, there is only one left, in the window. Instead, a bar at the back of the business, eight tables ready to welcome customers, and a cozy 10 square meter terrace for around twenty customers. And what are we offering here? Small fast food, a fine selection of beers, and even biodynamic wine. All this with products from the local market and traders from Libourne. Not bad is not it ?

Photo Credit: Ô BAB

Here, everything is designed to make the customer feel at home. You can come in for a quick haircut or spend an entire evening chatting about beer and hair. The warm and passionate staff welcome you like an old friend. And there’s always a new beer to discover, a new drink to try. Conversations are going well, laughter is flowing, and the atmosphere is decidedly relaxed. It’s a real place of life, where you don’t just come for a service, but for a complete experience.

La Boule à Zed: homemade craft beer

At the heart of Barber Beer’s offering is La Boule à Zed, the home-made craft beer brewed by Florian and his family in Lugasson. This blonde, hoppy and fragrant, is currently available in bottle. But be careful, they don’t plan to stop there. Very soon, La Boule à Zed will be available on tap. And why this name? It’s a nod to Dominique’s profession, a tribute to hairdressing. In short, this beer is much more than just a drink; it’s a true taste and sensory experience.

Photo Credit: Ô BAB

Florian put all his know-how and passion into this beer. He selected the best hops and tested different recipes until he obtained the perfect result. La Boule à Zed is not just a beer, it is a work of art, with each sip revealing delicate aromas and a unique taste. Customers love it, and it quickly became the emblem of Barber Beer. We don’t just come for a drink or a conversation, but also to savor this exceptional beer.

The future of Barber Beer and its ambitions

And that’s just the beginning. Dominique and Florian have big ambitions. They want to start their own brewery, and it’s no joke. In the meantime, Barber Beer continues to charm the inhabitants of Libourne with its innovative and friendly concept. Every day, new customers discover this place like no other, where good humor is always there. Their passion and determination are palpable, and nothing seems to be able to stop them.

Photo Credit: Ô BAB

Their dream? See Barber Beer become a chain, with franchises throughout France. They are already imagining hairdressing salons-bars in Paris, Lyon, Marseille… Anywhere where people are looking to be pampered while enjoying a good beer. And they don’t plan to stop there. They want to organize events, theme evenings, beer tastings, hairdressing workshops. The future for Barber Beer looks bright, and they are willing to do anything to achieve their ambitions.

More information on their website HERE.

Address : Ô BAB, 64, rue Fonneuve in Libourne
Hours of operation : Wednesday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Contact : 06 37 39 59 93

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