investigation for corruption at the port of Saint-Tropez

investigation for corruption at the port of Saint-Tropez
investigation for corruption at the port of Saint-Tropez

According to our information, an investigation has been opened for corruption in the port of Saint-Tropez. The whistleblower testifies exclusively on RMC.

In Saint-Tropez, the most popular port on the Côte d’Azur receives thousands of boaters every summer. And to anchor in this mythical bay, in addition to the price of the reservation, a former port agent denounces bribe payments, in cash, to the harbor master’s office.

Following his complaint, an investigation was opened two weeks ago for corruption, led by the Saint-Tropez gendarmerie brigade, according to our information. The whistleblower agreed to testify exclusively for RMC, on condition of anonymity.

“The captains go up, negotiate and then confirm the place. Below 1,000 euros in cash, they don’t even take the boat. There, there is a boat which says it gave 5,000 euros for three days. But it can go up to 10,000-15,000 euros to enter the port,” he relates.

“Afterwards, they also want to know what origin they are from. If they are Arabs, Russians, Americans… Depending on the nationality, they will ask more or less.”

A vast network

According to our information, the police are investigating agents from the captaincy and town hall. And the network would even be much larger.

“They go through intermediaries, they can be concierges, waiters at big nightclubs or big beaches where there are billionaires who come. We all know what’s happening, everyone is afraid of taking their place so everyone keeps quiet and some take advantage of it.” According to him, it’s been going on for years.

The Draguignan public prosecutor is seized of the case. He did not wish to comment on it. But according to our information, hearings have already been conducted. Who is involved? Where does the money go? Who benefits? These are the questions that the investigation will have to answer.

“Totally unfounded suspicions” according to the town hall

Since 2010, the port of Saint-Tropez has been managed directly by the municipality. The harbor office has around forty employees.

The editorial staff requested explanations from the town hall. In a long six-page letter, the office of the various right-wing mayor, in office for four years, said it was “surprised” and “shocked” by these “totally unfounded suspicions”.

The city explains that the reservation system for places at the port makes circumvention impossible: requests are made on the internet, traceability would therefore be ensured. And only the port director can validate a reservation request. Prices are regulated, depending on the size of the boat. For a 50m yacht in the Old Port, space costs around 2,000 euros per day in high season.

But the port’s capacity, 734 boats, is insufficient to meet needs. According to our witnesses, “it is the law of supply and demand” which encourages corruption.

Amélie Rosique, Solène Leroux and Guillemette Franquet

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