“Delga will die”: after the hateful tag, the regional and departmental councils are preparing to file a complaint

“Delga will die”: after the hateful tag, the regional and departmental councils are preparing to file a complaint
“Delga will die”: after the hateful tag, the regional and departmental councils are preparing to file a complaint

the essential
Victim of a hateful tag, on the facade of a building rented by the Haute-Garonne departmental council, the president of the Occitanie regional council Carole Delga does not intend to stop there. The two local authorities wish to file a complaint.

Is Carole Delga (PS) the victim of her anti-RN positions in this campaign for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 or of an insult unrelated to politics? The question arises as the president of the Occitanie regional council was the target of a hate tag (“Delga will die”), written in large yellow letters on the facade of the Maison des Territoires, a glass building located on the edge from Boulevard de la Marquette in Toulouse, and rented by the Department.

An “abject” tag, protests Sébastien Vincini

The tag, which was deleted yesterday, assures the Department, was described as “abject” by its socialist president Sébastien Vincini who immediately posted a message on his X account (formerly Twitter):

“I firmly condemn this serious act and I provide my full support to Carole Delga […] This threat is extremely serious towards an elected representative of the Republic who always pleads for dialogue and peaceful debate. Our democracy cannot tolerate such actions.”

Filing complaints

Regional councilor Kamel Chibli also condemned on his account X “with the greatest firmness this odious act”. He adds: “This death threat against Carole Delga is extremely serious and unacceptable, all my unfailing support.” From the office of the President of the Region, we assure that Ms. Delga “will not express herself further”. But she plans, we are told, to “file a complaint”.

This is also the case for the departmental council whose “legal service works” on filing a complaint. On Tuesday, June 25, the Toulouse police station confirmed that it had not, for the time being, registered any complaints from elected officials, but this would not take long, local authorities are assured.

Precedents against the president of the Region

In February 2019, Carole Delga had already taken legal action for “insults and threats” after receiving an anti-Semitic and sexist letter from a resident of Béziers (Hérault). On the airwaves, she confided: “I sometimes receive insulting letters, and this is the second time with death threats […] I do not intend to lower my eyes and guard against the extreme right.”



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