On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is no longer the most popular personality, according to a survey

On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is no longer the most popular personality, according to a survey
On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is no longer the most popular personality, according to a survey

Long considered the most popular political figure in the eyes of left and far-left sympathizers, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of France Insoumise, has come down from his pedestal. This Tuesday, June 25, Odexa published its new membership barometer, highlighting the socialist Raphaël Glucksmann in first place on the podium.

A dizzying fall. In its latest popularity barometer, published this Tuesday, the Odexa barometer, produced by Mascaret for Public Senate and the regional daily press, highlighted that left and far-left sympathizers were abandoning Jean-Luc Mélenchon in favor of the socialist Raphael Glucksmann. And by far…

In detail, the boss of the rebels is finding it increasingly difficult to please. The repeated controversies in which he was the central character have damaged his popularity among supporters. Thus, only 37% of respondents still give it their support, which is 14 points less than last May, placing itself in 7th position.

On the contrary, buoyed by favorable results during the European elections on June 9, Raphaël Glucksmann made a dizzying surge, taking first place with 58% of favorable opinions, or 14 additional points in the space of a single month.

Another figure to have made a breakthrough, the former socialist president François Hollande, who returned to the forefront of the political scene with his candidacy for the early legislative elections. 55% of left and far-left supporters support him (2nd place).

A drop in the general ranking

In the general ranking, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also lost his place as the most popular left-wing politician by only receiving 14% of favorable opinions (-6 points). He is now ahead of Manon Aubry (19%), François Hollande (27%), François Ruffin (28%), Fabien Roussel (29%) and Raphaël Glucksmann (33%).

The head of the Socialist Party list during the European elections on June 9, Raphaël Glucksmann, was able to please left-wing voters but not only. With 13 additional points in the general ranking, he even catches up with the leading trio of Marine Le Pen (35%), Jordan Bardella (37%) and Edouard Philippe (40%), always popular.



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