The 11 best nightclubs in Paris where you can party until the early hours

The 11 best nightclubs in Paris where you can party until the early hours
The 11 best nightclubs in Paris where you can party until the early hours

We start the evening by sitting down at one of the capital’s festive restaurants before slipping away to party in one of the best nightclubs in Paris. GQ shares with you his favorite places to go out in the City of Lights.

The Moulin Rouge Machine

In the capital’s festive landscape, it is perhaps one of the most inclusive, in its music as much as in its programming and attendance. Located on Boulevard de Clichy, La Machine du Moulin Rouge hosts themed evenings every weekend, sometimes featuring an exotic playlist with La Créole and sometimes a more techno set with the Quartier Rouge. The establishment reserves its P3 for an exclusively female audience while its Wet for Me is open only to lesbians. Their indestructible? The Chronologic evening. From midnight, and every hour, the playlist changes and is oriented around a specific decade. We review all the biggest hits from the 1950s to 2010 for the delight of those nostalgic, euphoric at the idea of ​​screaming their favorite songs.

Address : 90 Boulevard de Clichy, 75018.

Prix : paying.

© infininegatif / The Moulin Rouge Machine

The Boom Boom

A trendy address in the capital nestled in the heart of the Golden Triangle, the Boum Boum welcomes all of Paris’s golden youth eager to party in their brightest outfits. In an electrifying atmosphere that combines sound and visual staging and concert fervor, we dance to an urban musical program oscillating between American rap, French rap and French classics. The French Touch, scheduled on Sunday evening, or the Sparta on Friday, are the two most successful evenings of the establishment. Revamped by the architect Charles Tassin who gave it a neo 70’s decor, the club is today one of the most upscale in the capital, where it is good to see and be seen a stone’s throw from the Arc de Triomphe.



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