Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Hélène Defrance (LO) encourages a strike

Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Hélène Defrance (LO) encourages a strike
Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Hélène Defrance (LO) encourages a strike

Hélène Defrance, 74, is the candidate to represent the far-left Lutte Ouvrière party in the legislative elections in the first constituency (Nantes-Orvault-Sautron).

His political journey

Her commitment dates back to the events of May 1968. A high school student at that time, Hélène Defrance believed the revolution was within reach. Marked by the Vietnam War, she joined Lutte Ouvrière and “the workers’ camp”. Since 1978, she has run in all elections under the label of the Trotskyist political party. At 74, she returned to combat.

The one who grew up in a family “right-wing reaction”repeats tirelessly: “Workers keep the whole society running. They must lead it. Capitalism must be overthrown. »

The only mandate of this retired plastic arts teacher: municipal councilor between 2001 and 2008. The one who lives in the La Manu district in Nantes, has never ceased to be the voice of the working class. From this experience, she says she is particularly proud of having supported the garbage collectors’ strike.

In the previous legislative elections, it received less than 0.7% of the vote.

All the latest legislative news

Its “purchasing power” measure

Faced with soaring prices, the candidate wants salaries, pensions and allowances to be revised upwards, following inflation. “The money is there. Not in the pockets of employees, retirees or the unemployed. But in those of the large capitalist shareholders of the Cac 40, who display billions in insolent profits and are untouchable. »

How to get there ? Hélène Defrance does not believe in “supreme savior”. It will take something other than a ballot or a new assembly: “We need an organized and massive mobilization of the world of work, through struggles and strikes”.

The measure that is close to his heart

Redirect the 413 billion, voted in the military programming law over seven years so that they can be used “not to manufacture devices of death, but for health and hospitals, education, housing, transport”.



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