Biarritz Forever, the new musical and visual wave from the Basque Country

Biarritz Forever, the new musical and visual wave from the Basque Country
Biarritz Forever, the new musical and visual wave from the Basque Country

For those who don’t know the Basque Country, there is still time to correct the situation, as the summer holidays are about to begin. Without wanting to give you an article about the territory, many artists and creators have been inspired by these magnificent landscapes where the Atlantic Ocean merges with the Pyrenean mountains. So much so that a new label has just been created in the surfing capital: Welcome to Biarritz Forever.

Founded by French artist Lili Gérenton, this label completes her calling card combining photography, fashion, video and now music, offering an immersive experience celebrating natural beauty and human connections. She also declares about Biarritz Forever: “ Music was just missing from his bow. Because the latter offers remarkable emotional capital. Exploiting this channel allows you to build a richer and more powerful image. »

Visual art from every angle

The cornerstone of Biarritz Forever is embodied by Lili, a photographer passionate about capturing moments of life in black and white. Inspired by street art and Elliott Erwitt, she captures the spontaneity of urban and maritime scenes. After roaming the streets of New York with her camera, she now draws her source of inspiration from the kingdom of surfing, namely the city of Biarritz.

Throughout the summer, Lili exhibits her art in town and will also soon be featured at the Kyotographie Festival in Japan and also has a gallery in Palm Beach, Florida. And as the photographer is also a fervent protector of the planet, she naturally turned to sustainable fashion by creating a brand of ethical clothing geared towards preserving the oceans.



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