“We need to have strong people in the storm”: Guillaume Kasbarian (Ensemble) is a candidate in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir

“We need to have strong people in the storm”: Guillaume Kasbarian (Ensemble) is a candidate in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir
“We need to have strong people in the storm”: Guillaume Kasbarian (Ensemble) is a candidate in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir

He was elected deputy in 2017, just after the arrival of Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée. Re-elected in 2022, then appointed Deputy Minister of Housing, Guillaume Kasbarian launches into the electoral battle during these anticipated legislative elections.

“On the evening of June 9, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. On the morning of the 10th, I was already in the campaign.”
Despite a complicated context for the presidential majority in the National Assembly, Guillaume Kasbarian did not hesitate for a single second.
Elected deputy twice – in 2017 then in 2022 – appointed Deputy Minister of Housing last February, the former business consultant is seeking a third term, still in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir, in partnership with Isabelle Mesnard , municipal councilor and president of C’Chartres Tourisme.

Legislative: discover the complete list of candidates running in Eure-et-Loir and Yvelines

For Guillaume Kasbarian, this candidacy is obvious. “I have been defending Eure-et-Loir for seven years, despite a turbulent National Assembly. The coming months promise to be difficult, and we need to have strong people in the storm.”

“Nothing is done until D-day”

The candidate, who presents himself on behalf of the presidential majority (Together), highlights his “experience, as a deputy, then a minister. We want to largely unite in the central block.”
The electoral campaign, atypical, is very short. “It’s a complicated moment, recognizes Guillaume Kasbarian. This is true for the elected officials, but also for the Eurelians, whom we meet every day and who share their concerns with us. A dissolution is a special period , but we comply with the rules of the Constitution.”

Legislative: Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance) in meeting, in Chartres, with the support of Christophe Béchu

Faced with uncertainties, the former MP wants to be optimistic. During the two years without an absolute majority in the Assembly, “I managed to make alliances with elected officials from all sides, from the center-left as well as the right.”
And despite the polls predicting poor results for the Macronist camp, Guillaume Kasbarian wants to believe that “nothing is done until D-Day. It is the French who decide!”

Rémi Bonnet



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