Toulouse: Too often ousted, the traders of the Capitole open-air market express their fed up

Toulouse: Too often ousted, the traders of the Capitole open-air market express their fed up
Toulouse: Too often ousted, the traders of the Capitole open-air market express their fed up

the essential
Due to the events, traders are often forced to fold their stalls.

“We’re being made fun of!” “, is the cry from the heart of Tarik Boudraa, delegate of the traders of the open-air market of the Capitol. This market which traditionally brings together, every Wednesday (or almost), around sixty exhibitors, is in fact too often to their liking, called into question by the events taking place on the square.

Recurring cancellations, the latest of which was the last straw. In view of the “Toulouse Capitole Perche” which took place this weekend, stands occupied two sides of the square last Wednesday. “We were still prevented from working even though we could set up in the free space in the center,” says the spokesperson for the traders.

Last year, they lost 12 Wednesdays of work. “Not counting the days of bad weather, this is already a very significant loss of turnover for us. Okay to share public space, but this is too much! », protests Tarik Boudraa. Bernard Brouquisse, Haute-Garonne delegate of the French markets union, adds: “we are sometimes notified at the last moment, and have still not obtained an annual calendar of events”. In question, the service responsible for demonstrations and festivals which, according to them, abuses its prerogatives. Cancellation has become commonplace, and traders, a variable of adjustment, have the feeling of being unwanted on the emblematic square of the Pink City. Contacted, the elected official in charge of the markets denies any intention of the town hall to remove their stalls from the Capitol, which are also present the rest of the week on the neighboring Charles-de-Gaulle square.

“We are doing our best, in collaboration with the events center, to impact retailers as little as possible. Concerning the last event, the barriers being in place, they could not settle in,” assures Jean-Jacques Bolzan. As for the annual calendar of events, the elected official, aware that communication must improve, promises that it will be put in place very quickly, at least for recurring events.



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