Marc Ferracci hopes to avoid election chaos

Marc Ferracci hopes to avoid election chaos
Marc Ferracci hopes to avoid election chaos

Marc Ferracci, the deputy of the presidential majority for the French of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, is putting his seat back into play during the legislative elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday in France. Comfortably elected two years ago, his re-election is perhaps no longer so obvious. Meeting in the countryside.

Lunch break for the outgoing MP, elected to a seat in 2022 with 65% of the vote, the political tide turned in one evening. “When I got on the TGV in the evening, I was a deputy, and when I arrived in Paris, I was no longer one,” jokes Marc Ferracci.

The candidate of the presidential majority must once again seduce an electorate of French people abroad who are strongly abstentionist, in a context different from France. “The challenge is to convince, and to show that voting for the extremes means adding a member of parliament to the blocs which will implement a program which will penalize our country in the long term.”

Meeting this lunchtime with a panel of former students of the grandes écoles in a restaurant, it was a coincidence, with a perhaps premonitory name. “To take the broth in popular expression is perhaps to suffer a defeat, I think that it is possible to have a favorable result, which does not allow the extremes to govern, we must reassure and give a lot of votes to a central bloc which will be formed around Renaissance, Modem, Horizons and republicans from all sides who want to work with us.

A blitzkrieg without the possibility of targeted outreach, which therefore involves these meetings in different circles. Entrepreneurs, economic and business circles, all while sailing between Geneva and Paris.

Marc Ferracci is addressing a particular electorate who have a distant eye but a heart close to France. An election perhaps more emotional this time which appeals to more marked convictions. Verdict from Sunday for the first round.




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