Legislative elections in Rennes: in the countryside, citizens are mobilizing against the RN

On the soggy grass, there are around a hundred people in the gardens of the Presbytery of Guipel, north of Rennes, braving the drizzle on Wednesday June 19. Under the arbors, school tables have been placed on which are spread out rows of toast and sausages. A beer tap has been installed. “It’s free, but there will only be one per person,” warns the cervoise attendant. Then it will be towards the bar. »

The “Spanish inn” atmosphere contrasts with the seriousness of the moment. While the kids play at the bottom of the meadow, the adults discuss the best way to meet the inhabitants. The meeting takes place under the patronage of Tristan Lahais (Génération.s) and his deputy, Isabelle Joucan, the local of the stage (mayor without label of Guipel), candidates of the New Popular Front (NFP) in the second constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine. The only one around Rennes which did not move to the left in the 2022 legislative elections. Their objective: to counter the far right by trying to convince the inhabitants of the vast constituency, – it extends from Livré-sur-Changeon to Hédé passing through the northern districts of the Breton capital – to vote for the NFP pair.

The citizens mobilized are, for the most part, not part of political parties, but are sympathizers of the left and the New Popular Front. (David Brunet)

In the town, as in the local towns, the list led by Jordan Bardella (National Rally) came well ahead – 30% of the votes – during the European elections on Sunday June 9. Twice as much as that of Raphaël Glucksmann (PS, Place publique). A situation which stunned the left-wing sympathizers of this town of 1,700 inhabitants. They mobilized as soon as Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution by setting up a collective, welcomes Hasan Gedlec. “It was a spontaneous citizen movement,” enthuses the former boss of the restaurant Le Coucou Rennais, at the origin of the initiative. The collective brings together people from all walks of life, most of whom are not part of parties. From the Sunday evening of the Europeans, I alerted my network by creating a Whatsapp loop. On Wednesday, we organized a general assembly. »

A union made well before the New Popular Front (NFP) was formalized, on Friday June 14. And above all, without difficulties or personal quarrels between rebellious sympathizers, socialists or ecologists, he insists. The slogan was clear from the first evening, Hasan proclaims: “Against racism and exclusion. For equality and unity. » Little by little, the loop expanded to local communities. Today, “400 people” are participating. In each municipality, representatives have been designated to go door to door and tow in markets, clearance sales, etc.

Residents of Guipel are going door to door in support of the candidacy of Tristan Lahais and Isabelle Joucan, the mayor of Guipel. (David Brunet)

The mobilization is reminiscent of the “spontaneous movement”, launched without coordination in 2002, after the shock of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s qualification for the second round of the Presidential election against Jacques Chirac. On the evening of April 21, hundreds of thousands of young people took to the streets in the four corners of France to protest against the National Front. Actions had been put in place spontaneously to coordinate outside of political parties and unions. 22 years later, the situation has changed. While the “Menhir” had obtained 18% of the votes in the second round of the Presidential election – without any chance of final victory -, Jordan Bardella collected 31% in the European elections of June 2024. Today, the former National Front could well, for the first time in its history, to be in charge of the country.

Uninhibited far-right speech

In this context, for neo-activists not yet accustomed to the methods of traditional parties, taking political action in villages where everyone knows each other is not always easy. In 2002, no one admitted their FN vote. Today, far-right speech has become more relaxed. “People have never seen a foreigner, there is no insecurity. They vote RN because of the image sent by the media, Cnews and social networks, analyzes Hasan. There are angry people but not only fascists in the countryside. »

When the doors remain closed, the two activists place the leaflets in the mailboxes.
When the doors remain closed, the two activists place the leaflets in the mailboxes. (David Brunet)

The fact remains that rurality is a territory particularly grappling with the ideas of Marine Le Pen’s party. “We went towing at the Saint-Gondran clearance sale on Sunday,” says a representative from the town of 500 inhabitants. It was very complicated. We had nice people, some undecided ones. But also real followers of the RN. Some comrades came away completely freaked out. Everyone knows each other in the community. If you are an NFP and a business owner, you may be afraid of being lynched. » And to recommend sending, to certain towns, activists from surrounding villages.

Objective number 1 is not to make hardened RN activists give in. “We must mobilize others, the undecided, the abstainers,” insists Hasan. If the farmer is working, you have to cross his field, get on his tractor with him and talk to him. »

When the doors open, it is sometimes to meet voters already committed to the cause of the New Popular Front. (David Brunet)

Demonstration the next evening with Élise and Laura. Under a threatening sky, the two residents of Guipel begin their door to door “after work, and before pasta”. Result ? A little less than half of the doors remain closed. When they open up, the two women emphasize above all their local roots. “We are citizens of Guipel. We are coming to discuss the legislative elections with you on June 30. » A young woman opens the door. His luminous face leaves little doubt. “I am Front Populaire,” she smiles.


In fact, many people accepting the discussion are already committed to the cause. But not always. On a landing, a “Beware of dog” sign is posted next to the door. The old lady indicates, in the doorway, “watch politics”. She refuses to say who she voted for. Whatever. The three women talk for a while. What to tip it over? The retiree will say no more. The tour continues. Outside, the sky is clearing. The black clouds have not unloaded their burden on Guipel.



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