Attal-Bompard-Bardella debate on TF1, call for withdrawals against the RN

Attal-Bompard-Bardella debate on TF1, call for withdrawals against the RN
Attal-Bompard-Bardella debate on TF1, call for withdrawals against the RN

► Attal, Bardella and Bompard face off on TF1

Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard will face off on the TF1 set on the evening of Tuesday June 25, while the far right is leading the polls five days before the first round of suspenseful legislative elections.

The Prime Minister, the president of the National Rally and the coordinator of La France insoumise will meet at 9 p.m. for this first major televised confrontation between the three blocs, in the home stretch of this lightning campaign.

It is a priori Jordan Bardella who has the most to lose during this evening in « prime time ». After its success in the European elections, the RN dominates the first round polls, with 36% of voting intentions according to Ifop, and can cherish the ambition of accession to historic power. It is ahead of the left-wing coalition New Popular Front (29.5%) and the presidential camp (20.5%).

► Social landlords warn against the RN

The president of the confederation of social landlords Emmanuelle Cosse estimated that “not everything is equal in political debate”warning about the RN’s positions on housing in view of the legislative elections.

The former environmentalist minister (2016-2017) spoke at the Housing Conference, alongside other heads of federations in a sector already in crisis and which considers itself to be lacking in listening by the public authorities.

“Today, I see political forces making comments that are outside the Constitution and outside the law, in particular on social housing”, insisted the president of the Social Union for Housing (USH). She denounced “extremely strong attacks by a political party, by its deputies and including by legislative proposals which have been tabled in recent months” against the HLM sector, a reference to the RN and its defense of the principle of national preference.

► Call for a new demonstration against the RN

More than a hundred independent media, associations and unions call for a new rally “against the extreme right” and for freedoms on Thursday in Paris, three days before the first round of the legislative elections.

“Together, let’s block the road to the RN”write the organizations behind this call, including media like Politis, Mediapart and Streetpress, unions like the CFDT, the CGT or the Syndicat de la magistrature, and associations including Attac and the League of Human Rights. ‘Man (LDH).

On Sunday, tens of thousands of people marched in Paris and elsewhere in France to denounce the « danger » for women’s rights that a victory for the RN would represent. Saturday June 15, parades against the far right at the call of the unions brought together between 250,000 (authorities) and 640,000 (CGT) people in France, including 75,000 to 250,000 in Paris.

► Two hundred personalities for withdrawals against the RN

Some 200 socialist, environmentalist and macronist personalities call on the right, the center and the left to “display clearly now” that they will put in place a withdrawal agreement between the two rounds of the legislative elections against the National Rally.

This agreement “should be clearly displayed now by the leaders of all democratic forces, whether they belong to the New Popular Front, the outgoing majority or the Republican right”estimate in Le Monde the signatories including Olivier Faure, the boss of the PS, Marine Tondelier, head of the Ecologists, but also Clément Beaune and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, former and current ministers of Emmanuel Macron.

“We realize how difficult this choice is given the importance of the differences” who oppose the camps, pursue the signatories in which we find the former leader of the CFDT Laurent Berger but no personality from La France insoumise.

► Bardella and Mélenchon denounce Macron’s comments

In the presidential camp, Emmanuel Macron is increasing his interventions in the campaign, despite the warnings of his allies and his drop in popularity after his controversial decision to dissolve the National Assembly on June 9.

The programs of “extremes” lead “to the civil war”, launched the head of state in a podcast broadcast on Monday. The extreme right “refers people either to a religion or to an origin”, « uniforms » et “pushes for civil war” and rebellious France offers “a form of communitarianism”, “it’s also the civil war behind”he said, pursuing a strategy of dramatizing the election.

“A President of the Republic should not say that”replied Jordan Bardella, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon accused Emmanuel Macron of being “always there to set fires”.

► Juvenile delinquency: Attal wants the minority excuse to become “the exception”

Gabriel Attal hopes that the excuse of minority, a legal principle which means that a minor is punished less severely than an adult, is no longer possible “on principle” and become « l’exception ».

The Prime Minister, also head of the presidential camp’s campaign in the legislative elections, had debated the idea of ​​attenuating the excuse of minority, after news items involving minors which had struck public opinion.

After a series of consultations, he admitted that there was no “no consensus” but desired “move forward for this”.

In an interview with Figaro put online Monday evening, it offers “to review the minority excuse in certain cases” : “In the reform that I am proposing, there will no longer be a minority excuse in principle, but the judge will be able to apply it by providing reasons”he explains.

With this principle, criminal liability is reduced for the minor who incurs penalties reduced by half compared to an adult. This “minority excuse” may however be waived for minors over 16 in certain circumstances.

► Officials launch a program comparator for public services

Justice, school, health… The collective of civil servants Our Public Services launches on Tuesday a program comparator for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, in order to compare the projects of the main parties in terms of public services.

Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, “the debate does not arise at all on questions of public service, and not at all on substantive questions”regrets Arnaud Bontemps, member of the collective founded in 2021 which is clearly in opposition to the National Rally (RN) and the policy of the outgoing government for the 5.7 million public agents.

“We don’t talk about concrete questions at all: will I have a teacher for my child? Will I be able to choose my bachelor’s and master’s degrees? »he laments.

In its program comparator, Nos Services publics identifies around thirty “concrete questions” linked to major public services, e.g. “Will the police and gendarmerie be able to better protect me? », “Will the public hospital have the means to operate? », “Will I get a faster court decision? »

Find, as soon as they are officially published, the results of the 1st round of the 2024 legislative elections, municipality by municipality.



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