in the Rochefort constituency, Lutte Ouvrière advocates a general strike

in the Rochefort constituency, Lutte Ouvrière advocates a general strike
in the Rochefort constituency, Lutte Ouvrière advocates a general strike

General strike

As soon as the dissolution of the Assembly was announced, LO jumped at the opportunity to organize. “This campaign is the possibility of re-explaining to workers that to defend their interests and scare the big bourgeois who run the country, there is only a general strike. In 36, 47 and 68, this is what led to achievements such as paid leave or Social Security. »

Everyone says that if the RN passes, it will be a disaster, but for the workers, it is already a disaster

Even in three weeks of campaigning, the Trotskyist duo believes in turning the tide to block the path of the far right: “by beating people on the heads, they will react. In 1934, on February 6, the rebels were in the streets and on the 12th, there was a general strike. Workers united beyond differences, it’s possible! »

Don’t touch my toothbrush

Concretely, LO advocates the sharing of work between all and the ban on layoffs; access to housing and health for all; hiring in public services; the minimum wage of 2,000 euros net and the indexation of salaries and pensions to price increases. “Workers must take control of businesses to stop speculation and tax evasion and to monitor safety, health and pollution in the workplace. »



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