Blagnac. Elvire celebrated her 100th birthday

Blagnac. Elvire celebrated her 100th birthday
Blagnac. Elvire celebrated her 100th birthday

Elvire Fornell was born on June 12, 1924 and she celebrated her 100th birthday this past Wednesday afternoon at the Résidence des Jardins de Maniban. “She came there in June 2020”, specifies her son Georges, “she lived alone before since my father died in 2000. They were both born in Cessenon-sur-Orb, in Hérault and did not had only four months difference He was an engineer at Dassault Breguet and for her part, she helped a social worker, in the entourage of the priest of Saint-Sernin, to prepare administrative files”, continues this former police officer, active for 35 years. years, in Toulouse and overseas. The family has grown: “Elvire has two grandchildren, the eldest, a boy, is responsible for human resources in an IT company in Mouguerre and the youngest is the manager of an accounting firm in Toulouse. Four grandchildren, 3 boys and a girl aged 8 to 18, constitute the next generation. She is well integrated into the establishment, according to the staff: “She shows great vivacity, until recently participated enthusiastically in the lottery and really likes dancing and especially singing.” She commands admiration, according to the director of the nursing home, Thibault Papakostas, who presented her with “all his congratulations” and who is honored to now have 12 centenarians within the walls. For her part, Valérie Bugeja-Fernandez, deputy for social affairs, also congratulated her on her own behalf as well as on behalf of the mayor.



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