2024 legislative elections in Tarn: the candidates and the issues in the 1st constituency

2024 legislative elections in Tarn: the candidates and the issues in the 1st constituency
2024 legislative elections in Tarn: the candidates and the issues in the 1st constituency

the essential
Six candidates are running in the 1st constituency of Tarn, the one which saw for the first time in the history of the department, two years ago, the election of an RN deputy. A few days before the anticipated legislative elections, La Dépêche du Midi reveals all the keys to the first round.

Only two years but already an eternity. During the last legislative elections of 2022, the 1st district was the most contested, the mother of all battles. Twelve candidates… Left, center and right left in dispersed order with a multiplication of candidates, a “republican front” destroyed by quarrels and in the end, a surprise victory for the RN candidate, Frédéric Cabrolier. A first in the department and in this constituency long won by the socialists then the centrists between 2012 and 2022.

Two heavyweights and a young socialist

But the political spectrum has evolved considerably in two years. Have the lessons of the past been learned? Today, there are only six candidates left, three of whom can claim victory on the evening of July 7.

Frédéric Cabrolier, outgoing deputy and RN candidate.

Outgoing MP and candidate for his succession, Frédéric Cabrolier now has the favorite label. The results of Jordan Bardella’s party in the European elections are clearly in its favor in this rural constituency which has a little more than 112,000 inhabitants (the least populated of the three) and to which part of Albi and Castres are attached. He, who is running for the seventh consecutive time, has continued to improve his scores throughout the elections. The deputy has been plowing the land, particularly with farmers, for two years and intends to continue his adventure at the Bourbon Palace.

Philippe Bonnecarrère, Renaissance candidate.

He will face an old acquaintance, whom he has designated as his main adversary. The senator Philippe Bonnecarrere, who will represent the presidential party. Mayor of Albi for nearly 20 years, former deputy (of the 2nd district from 1993 to 1997), Philippe Bonnecarrère is a heavyweight in Tarn politics who can count on the support of the mayor of Albi, Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil and Senator Philippe Folliot. He poses as a “stability candidate” but still distances himself from the presidential majority. The absence of an LR candidate could be favorable to him.

Margot Lapeyre, New Popular Front candidate.

Forgotten the errors of 2022: this time, the left leaves united with, at its head, Margot Lapeyre, 29 years old, departmental advisor responsible for gender equality. Invested by the New Popular Front, she is the only socialist in the running in the three Tarn constituencies. If she suffers from a lack of notoriety compared to her main rivals, Margot Lapeyre is driven by the momentum of the union of left-wing parties and benefits from strong support such as the president of the Department Christophe Ramond or the president of the Region Carole Delga.

Eric Chavegrand, Workers’ Struggle candidate
Denis Rouquette, Reconquest candidate.
Orphée Pauthier, candidate without label

There remain three other candidates who will try to exist in this three-headed constituency. Hostile to the union of the left, Éric Chavegrand will wear the colors of Lutte Ouvrière. As in 2022 where he achieved the lowest score of the twelve candidates (0.83%). At the other end, Denis Rouquette, invested by Reconquête, will try to grab votes from the RN. Finally, the youngest candidate is a 21-year-old student in engineering school. Orphée Pauthierwithout political label, who wishes to carry the voice of youth.

The results of the 2nd round in 2022

Participation: 51.47% (43,814 voters out of 85,123 registered)
Frédéric Cabrolier (RN): 53.09% (19,125 votes)
Gérard Poujade (Nupes): 46.91% (16,900 votes)
Blank votes: 12.35% (5411 votes)
Invalid votes: 5.43% (2378 votes)



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