Double assassination of Bastia-Poretta: life sentence required against Christophe Guazzelli

Double assassination of Bastia-Poretta: life sentence required against Christophe Guazzelli
Double assassination of Bastia-Poretta: life sentence required against Christophe Guazzelli

Like a lengthy trial, confused and rich in twists and turns, the indictment fell on June 24 like a blade to the Bouches-du-Rhône Assize Court which has been trying 15 accused for the double murder since May 6. of Bastia-Poretta, which occurred on December 5, 2017. The attorneys general Christophe Raffin and Yvon Calvet began a chjami è rispondi to present a sluggish statement which began by recalling that Johnny Halliday had died of natural causes on the day of the events.

At the top of the criminal organization, there is Christophe Guazelli, 32 years old, against whom the maximum sentence was requested, life imprisonment with a two-thirds security period. “He is the conductor, the order giver but also the shooter” estimated the prosecution. According to the prosecution, it is the encrypted messages in which he claims the crime but also the telephony and surveillance which overwhelm him. The motive can be summed up in one word: revenge. That of his father, Francis Guazzelli, pillar of the Sea Breeze killed on November 15, 2009, by the Germani clan, according to him.

Against Richard Guazzelli, 30 years of criminal imprisonment were required, “He is the second of the pair, he drove the car that picked up his brother in front of the terminal and calmly told a passerby that the shooting was just the shooting of a movie for the cinema“, recalled General Advocate Yvon Calvet, “kiss of death – even if it is not really that -, repentant, supervisor involved, reality has surpassed fiction”.

The guard, an “Emma Bovary” who acted for 200,000 euros

Against the maton Cathy Chatelain who had provided vital information to ambush the airport and who was to poison another man, Stéphane Luciani, in this criminal sequence, a sentence of 25 years of criminal imprisonment was requested. “She did this to overcome her boredom, like a sort of Emma Bovary but also for the lure of gain since she was to receive 200,000 euros”, considered the prosecution which finds no mitigating circumstances in that which “crossed the white line, destroyed herself, destroyed her family.”

This is according to the prosecution Ange-Marie Michelosi who had turned her around and convinced her to join the clan of orphans: 28 years of criminal imprisonment were required against him, as an accomplice. The same quantum, 28 years, was requested against Christophe Andreani, co-perpetrator of the facts according to the prosecution which also targeted the close circle in its requisitions: 25 years of criminal imprisonment against Jaouad Sebbouba, from 25 to 28 years against Abdel-Hafid Bekouche and 15 years against François Marchioni, for the robbery of the Golf used in the crime.

8 years of imprisonment were requested against Jimmy Bailleul, then five years of imprisonment, two of which were for Gaelle Sker, (partner of Richard Guazzelli) and Dominique Sénéchal, (the ex-husband of the prison guard); five years including one against Chloé Castellana, the ex-partner of Christophe Guazzelli. Two figures of organized crime were also prosecuted in this case: a 10-year prison sentence was requested against Jacques Mariani, one of the heirs of La Brise de mer and 6 years against Jose Menconi. Finally, 10 years were required against Riad Belgacem, on the run.

This litany of years behind bars took place in the presence of 7 of the 15 accused since 7 others have challenged their lawyer since May 21 and one is on the run. The pleadings begin on June 25, but without the lawyers of the main antagonists in the case. The sole voice of the civil party, Me Valérie Vincenti pleaded for Michel Bastiani, collateral victim injured in the buttock. She spoke out against‘criminal indifference’ who almost killed a passerby smoking his cigarette when the shooting that killed Antoine Quilichini and Jean-Luc Codaccioni broke out.

The verdict should be known on June 28.



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