a candidate is selected for the bakery

a candidate is selected for the bakery
a candidate is selected for the bakery

During the Vanneau-Irleau municipal council meeting of June 17, 2024, the following points were discussed.

A buyer for the bakery. After several unsuccessful applications, a new candidate was selected. Negotiations for the resumption are underway and the final works are launched immediately to allow an early opening.

Investments. The call for tenders concerning the development of the crossing of the town was not conclusive, the two proposals received from the companies Eiffage and Eurovia being above the estimate made for this work. A new call for tenders will be launched and the analysis of the new proposals will be done between the end of August and the beginning of September, with the aim of launching the work at the beginning of October, after the summer season.
New mower. The old equipment having broken down, and after analysis of the three quotes proposed, the offer from the company A & MS in Chauray was accepted. The amount of the investment, including the recovery of the old equipment, amounts to €38,000 including tax. A & MS offers the loan of a mower while waiting for the new one to be delivered. During this time, elected officials and administrators are asked to maintain the green spaces located in front of their homes.

Demolition permit under discussion. The municipality, which ensures the protection of old buildings and works in the municipality, wishes to establish a demolition permit. The heritage framework of the town (additional layer of the PLU indicating original constructions or those having historical interest) can thus be better managed and avoid the demolition of remarkable structures. Elected officials postponed their decision on whether to introduce the permit throughout the territory of the municipality or only in certain areas.

Market on the water. The difficulties in transporting the boats loaned by Coulon having been overcome, the boats necessary for the organization of the market on the water on July 27 will therefore be available, including a 22-foot boat.

Social and cultural activities. Exchanges are underway at the Vanneau-Irleau town hall and the Marais socio-cultural center, located in Coulon, to expand the range of activities for residents of the town, currently attached to Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon. The mayor suggests that a survey be launched among residents to find out their needs for additional social and cultural activities.

Visit to the Allin factory. On July 4, a day of visits is organized by the plywood factory. Families of employees are invited as well as residents of the town. The idea is to present how it works and to discuss possible inconveniences with the plant with residents.



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