Woodscote, a new festival with a sixties flavor on the Côte des Basques

Woodscote, a new festival with a sixties flavor on the Côte des Basques
Woodscote, a new festival with a sixties flavor on the Côte des Basques

The name of the new meeting which is taking place this weekend of June 28, 29 and 30 at the Côte des Basques, Woodscote, creates a “counter-culture” atmosphere through its pun around the famous Woodstock festival. The same one that led Jordan Sévellec and his Biarritz Downhill association to transgress a few rules in May 2021, in order to organize a skate descent on Avenue de Madrid for the purposes of a filming. Since this founding act, the young man has fought to impose a non-conformist festival in Biarritz. And does not hide his joy at seeing the end of three years of work looming, even in respect of the protocol: “We will even have the mayor in person, Maider Arosteguy, who will come to cut the ribbon on Friday evening. »

The demonstration aims to be energetic, creative, inclusive and rebellious. And prove it. As in the concerts of Maxime Le Forestier on his return from his blue house in San Francisco, entry is free: you give what you can or what you want, in the donation box to listen to the concerts , watch artistic or sporting performances.

Rewards without borders

“But be careful, these are performances, not competitions. No podium, no medal. It’s the opposite of the Olympics! », summarizes the iconoclast Jordan Sévellec. “We are introducing ‘cash for tricks’. The rewards are multiplied with money, given piecemeal, for beautiful skateboarding or surfing tricks. Everyone can win a little, even if they’re not the best. Sometimes, the jury will reward the one who is in the wrong position because he will pull off a trick. » Four thousand euros will be distributed to skateboarders, 2,000 to surfers.

Water sliding, once excluded from the program, has been reinstated (enough to motivate Quiksilver in its role as main partner). And to complete the surfers’ cash for tricks, a banker with plastic tickets will come and give them their money back in the water. Two ramps plus a few other modules will form the skateboarders’ playground, but the most spectacular moment will be that of the descent of the laces of the Côte des Basques (referred to by the anglicism “downhill”).

The festival has not skimped on the musical programming: 15 groups, or 62 artists, will perform on the main stage every day from 6 p.m. We will hear pop, groove, rock, soul, world music… There will be something for everyone, except for fans of electronic music and DJs. During the skaters’ evolutions, an additional stage, perched on an American school bus, will also accommodate groups. An artistic part orchestrated by the Biarritz artist Franck Cazenave will extend from the beach to the marquee where creators, graphic designers and exhibitors will be brought together.

Organized to take place from August 15 to 17, 1969 and accommodate 50,000 spectators, Woodstock ultimately attracted ten times as many festival-goers. We wish Woodscote, which plans to have 4,500 visitors, the same enthusiasm.


From Friday June 28 to Sunday June 30, at the Côte des Basques. Open from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday June 28 and Saturday June 29, from 2 p.m. to midnight Sunday June 30. Live music from 6 p.m.
Free entry with possible participation. Catering on site via cashless.



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