In Marseille, sound the feminist alert to block the RN

In Marseille, sound the feminist alert to block the RN
In Marseille, sound the feminist alert to block the RN

Nthe PasaRn. » Responding to the national call of more than 200 organizations, dozens of demonstrators rang “ feminist alert » against the far right this weekend in the Old Port. From Saturday, around thirty feminist activists gathered near the Ombrière to remind citizens that at the end of these early legislative elections, it is also women’s rights that are at stake. And not just a little, alarms Alexandra Brochus, president of the collective 13 Women’s Rights. “ We don’t want to jump back 50 years “, she laments. Because in the event of victory for the extreme right, the feminist fears that a blow “ brutal » et « unprecedented » be focused on achievements in terms of women’s rights. “ We are at a historic turning point. We are not fools : the far right is the enemy of women “, she warns. This is why since the announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, activists have redoubled their energy to try to convince citizens to block the Lepéniste party.

« The RN has already planned to eliminate funding for Family Planning. If the far right wins, it is the return of a pronatalist and masculinist policy, a questioning of reimbursed abortion accessible to all, the application of a policy of national preference which would plunge women immigrants in more poverty and insecurity, and budget cuts for feminist associations ”, lists as many “ ruptures » Annick Karsenty, president of Femmes solidaires Marseille. For this activist, the extreme right, “ we have already tried ».

« The RN has always voted, in the Assembly as in the European Parliament, against proposals that could advance women’s rights and their emancipation. » she emphasizes. “ Wherever the far right has come to power, there have been setbacks, such as in Argentina, Poland, Hungary and even Italy, where the far right has attacked the right to abortion. » And to urge each voter to use “ this inalienable right won by women, that of the right to vote », pour « say no to fascism ».



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